Another amazing year: Looking back at 2019

As 2019 draws to a close it’s been yet another varied and fascinating year covering all the coming and goings on our local patch.

When writing up posts I’ll often remember something connected to a story and trawl back to find information, which then reveals something I’d completely forgotten about – even if only a few month old.

Plans to remove trees aroused much concern

With that in mind let’s have a look at some big changes over the past year – for me and much as you dear readers so I can re-discover what has slipped my mind – and bring to the fore will changes we can expect over incoming months and years.

I’ll try and keep this pretty succinct or we’ll be here till New Year’s Eve 2020.

Over the past year I visited and document many changes and new developments across London and beyond. Woolwich of course has seen a great number including:

Royal Arsenal towers

Changes in Woolwich. A large number of posts this year have documented changes

Wellington Street

Looking up Wellington Street

In fact, I’ve just discovered a pic of something I never covered when I took this photo. Towers have jumped the Thames and are underway in North Woolwich:

Beside Woolwich Ferry


Greenwich developments were seen in all corners of the town. In east Greenwich I went to see hundreds of homes completing at the old hospital site:

Old hospital site

The exteriors were as good as complete:

A warm sunny September day

The Peninsula saw towers complete to the north and work continue at Greenwich Millennium Village to the south – though in between many plots are on hold.

New block beside the cable car

I popped over a few times to see changes.

Taken in August

Ikea opened in February and new builds have continued to move closer:

Taken November 2019 – Ikea on right

Over in west Greenwich there was the usual wave of proposals – as there was in Deptford. I visited a completed tower by the Creek:

Completed second half of 2019

The final block at a large Thames-side development named River Gardens is also now underway. This is another pic I’ve found today which I took earlier this month and hasn’t been up yet:

Many blocks built in 2010s

In May I covered how Knight Dragon now plan 17,000 homes on Greenwich Peninsula. Then in October plans for Morden Wharf were revealed and covered here.

Morden Wharf plans – not part of 17,000 figure


I popped over to see the site a few times throughout the year. It’s one of those spots that always take people by surprise as the scale is vast.

New homes beside Kidbrooke station

In November TfL’s plan for 619 homes was approved on appeal.


Thamesmead – not how some imagine it

Back in June I visited Thamesmead to take photos as much of the old estates are pulled down and new buildings finally rise.

One of many bridges when first built – not many left

There’s huge plans but slow progress so far. 2020 should see some big changes appear.


The biggest town centre development in a generation is now being built.

Viewed from the south

Over 500 homes are coming. Click here to read about my last visit from December.

And of course there was plenty more in Lewisham, Deptford, New Cross, Canary Wharf and many other areas. So, what can we expect in 2020?

Well, the Greenwich to Woolwich cycle lane is due to be consulted upon very soon. I expect it to be part of a PR drive to overshadow controversial topics such as Silvertown Tunnel and Greenwich Council spending less income from developers on improving streets and parks compared to almost every other London borough.

Run down estates frequently ignored

As ever I’ll keep a close eye on developments. Many are in for a shock when (or if) Silvertown Tunnel begins I feel. Disruption at Blackwall  in coming years looks very likely – though perhaps not in 2020.

One other building I expect to see plans come forth is the old Arches leisure centre in Greenwich. Keep your eyes peeled.

Empty for some time

Have a good new year, and if you enjoyed the site over the past year please consider supporting me. If you can, then one option is to become a monthly supporter here (starting at a couple of quid),make a on-off donation via Paypal here or buy me a coffee at Ko-Fi here.

I’ve already got a couple of posts lined up for tomorrow and subsequent days. See you soon.


Running a site alone takes time and a fair bit of money. Adverts are far from enough to cover it and my living costs as a private renter.

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Many thanks

J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

    One thought on “Another amazing year: Looking back at 2019

    • Many thanks for some brilliant blogging in 2019 – and with wishes for even more in 2020!

      One figure I have just seen – Oslo, pop. 673k, has just reported ZERO road deaths in 2019. Not one.

      The latest figure I have seen for Greenwich, pop 286k, is 8 for 2017 – despite all the cattle pen barriers and bollards, Greenwich seems to have the highest road casualty rates in London.

      Perhaps they should send some traffic officers to Norway to learn how it’s done.


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