Greenwich road narrowing for Silvertown Tunnel delays buses
Silvertown Tunnel construction is well underway and one side effect which can be felt is delayed buses heading to north Greenwich tube station as narrowed roads cause congestion.
Millennium Way sees bus routes 108 and 188 heading from east Greenwich to the tube station and is now halve the previous width.
The road was formerly two lanes and is now reduced to one. With events returning to the o2, this has started to crop up on more occasions.
Congestion is particularly bad when events are being held at the o2 and Magazine venue located off Millennium Way.
Current lane closures are expected until November 2021.
Other closures of roads in the area will then occur until at least 2025.
Yesterday I covered how affordable housing could be reduced by 525 if the tunnel sees any delays to its planned 2025 opening date.
TfL project that upon opening, the tunnel will increase congestion in many parts of Greenwich borough.
They state they will run additional buses through the new tunnel.
Running a site alone takes time and a fair bit of money. Adverts are far from enough to cover it and my living costs as a private renter.
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While the Silvertown Tunnel construction works on going for the next 5 years or so we need the additional buses on existing bus routes and new temporary bus routes now to help cope the disruption caused to bus services through out the Borough of Greenwich.
As all local bus routes are being affected as traffic diverts on to other local roads around the Borough which adds to already heavily congested roads.
Greenwich and neighbouring Boroughs already gets gridlocked if there are issues causing delays to the Blackwall Tunnel. with out the additional problems caused by the Silvertown Construction works.
Other areas get temporary services introduced to help cope with disruption in the area caused by road works. So why is this not happening during the construction of the Silvertown Tunnel.
Those extra services will still be stuck in queues of traffic. It is the available road space that has been reduced and not a cut in the number of buses.
@anonymous 201481. No the additional buses would work on what is known as short workings covering sections of the route so a good level of service can be maintained over the whole route. The additional buses would avoiding the section of the route where the major delays are occuring.
A shuttle bus services could operate between North Greenwich Station and Charlton Station and North Greenwich Station and Greenwich Station when major events are taking place at the 02 Arena and Magazine Venue to link with main line train services. Just like the M1 and M2 bus routes did when the Millennium Dome originally opened.
A lot of car parking spaces where people park to travel to the 02 Arena is due to be lost if the planned development at B&Q next to IKEA gets the go ahead.
This whole bloody tunnel is a slow motion catastrophe.