Attempted burglary of Bexleyheath’s Kentish Belle Micropub

Three thieves attempted to break into the Kentish Belle micro pub earlier today yet didn’t reckon on the landlord being there – and were scared off.

The police reacted quickly and caught two of the three in nearby streets.

They pub stated: “It is also naturally worth saying that, in the face of continued cuts and such, the Police officers who attended were absolutely marvellous.

They were understanding, professional, polite and empathetic and appreciated the seriousness of the incident. We want to thank them all, who may or may not see this, for ‘riding to our rescue’ and for always being there to protect us”.

The Kentish Belle is the first Micropub to open in Bexleyheath and will be open as normal tomorrow. It’s at 8 Pickford Lane near Bexleyheath station if you havn’t been. The micro pub concept has taken off big in Bexley Borough, and this one offers a range of ales and gin and regular quizzes and events. Well worth a visit.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

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