Woolwich market pavilion and cafe taking shape
Construction work on a new café and pavilion beside Beresford Square is starting to take shape.
Note the arch now taking shape as a design from Studio Weave continues to rise on a former toilet block.

Removal of the toilets aroused some opposition with the new pavilion set to feature public toilets on site.
Upon the square’s completion market traders will have less space available than before changes undertaken, and last month it emerged they face a ten per cent increase in fees.

Many traders are currently over on General Gordon Square Square above the water feature and fountains.
Beresford Square will too see fountains upon completion.

Building work continues on Beresford Square nearby which is looking nearly complete.
No operator for the cafe has yet been announced by Greenwich Council. It’s part of a £24m town centre project with most funding derived from the previous government’s Future High Streets fund. A total of £17,150,964 to be precise covering Powis Street and Beresford Square’s public realm.
Just over the road a 299-room student block is proceeding while down the road Berkeley Homes towers near the Thames are nearing completion while their Ropeyards plot sees preparatory work continue.

There’s really too much happening in Woolwich to put in one post so other changes will have their own in coming days.
The project was originally due to complete by March 2024 yet a previous contractor entered administration delaying work.
This has taken almost 18 months now. And for what? Just to lay some paving slabs and put some seating and planters in? Even if you allow for the few weeks of work stopping so they can do move across to another contractor (with the same workers?) Whole buildings/projects are being built in less time than this shambles. And all for what? Can anyone really see any benefits from having this in place? It barely brings anything new and will be looking like before in the space of weeks.
How isn’t anyone in the council picking up on this blatant waste and abuse of funds? The whole thing reeks of council corruption, backhanders and cushy contracts jobs for your mates. Pretty much everyone involved with this project, from the top down, should be ashamed as they’re all complicit. Surely there’s someone decent at the council, or are they all just stereotypical lazy council crooks riding the gravy train. Disgusting.