Woolwich Works begins hiring in advance of September opening

A new cultural centre on the Royal Arsenal site is now hiring in advance of opening at the end of September.

Greenwich Council state the first 44 jobs are now available, with all paying at least the London Living Wage.

Salaries range from £22,580 and £46,800 – though that’s of course full time equivalent salaries, with some part time jobs available including casual bar staff.

Roles given as an example include:

  • Venue Management Apprentice, 15 month full time contract, closing date Sunday 22 Aug 2021 
  • Housekeeper, full time, permanent, closing date Monday 23 Aug 2021 
  • 2 x Bar and Catering Supervisors, full time, permanent, closing date Tuesday 24 Aug 2021 
  • 2 x Bartenders, 2 x full time permanent plus casuals, closing date Wednesday 25 Aug 2021 
  • 4 x Cleaners, full time, permanent, closing date Thursday 26 Aug 2021 
  • 3 x Visitor Services Assistances, casual, closing date Sunday 5 Sept 2021
Cost rises

In recent months a number of claims have been made that the budget for the centre – officially put at £32 million, has risen substantially.

Both Labour and Conservative councillors have enquired into this – but met silence and told to wait for a final costing to be revealed shortly after opening.

Requests for a latest cost estimate and update from Labour councillors were denied.

When the Tories subsequently asked, Greenwich Council leader Danny Thorpe stated it was “fake news” and accused the opposition of playing party political games, despite his own party councillors also seeking information and being denied.

Greenwich are using their agency GLLaB – and unfortunately the link supplied on the council’s main news story advertising jobs on the Woolwich Works site doesn’t work. Click here to find the actual page.

The GLLaB page itself doesn’t appear to list jobs.

To apply in other ways, the council state: “send your full name, address, email address and contact number to gllab-jobs@royalgreenwich.gov.uk or call 020 8921 2440. Details can also be found to apply at www.punchdrunk.com/work-with-us“.





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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

One thought on “Woolwich Works begins hiring in advance of September opening

  • I clicked through to check in and see if any event had yet to sell out. Doesn’t look like it.

    I want it to work but it all looks way too niche right now to me. That could work in certain parts of London but not sure in Woolwich. It needs bigger names from music, theatre and comedy to cross-fund the more specialist stuff.

    It needs to work if the cost overruns are true as a hell of a lot of public money is being spent on this project.


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