Former Blackheath bank to be converted into shop units

A long closed bank unit on Old Dover Road in Blackheath has seen plans in to convert into two shop units.

Nat West closed some time ago and the site has stood empty since.

While the applicants state no occupant for shops have been found they believe they’ll have more luck finding an occupant through dividing into two.

In recent months controversy has also arisen over plans by Greenwich Council to sell a nearby car park.

Green Goddess

Another former bank nearby has managed to find another life as a pub with the excellent Green Goddess.



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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

5 thoughts on “Former Blackheath bank to be converted into shop units

  • A gym would have been nice.

  • It will be nice to see the old Nat West Bank building on Old Dover Road being brought back in to use. It is in a good location by Blackheath Royal Standard. So I hope occupants can be found to open businesses on the site.

  • This is a surprise. The launderette was turned into a barber shop, so maybe this could be a chance for its return.

  • I hope so too. Personally I’d very much enjoy a good book shop, the chain ones never have anything interesting to read. Considering the relatively small size of the Standard it’s got a lot going for it, though with 8 places already to get coffee I’m hoping something comes along to shake things up a bit.

  • The shops could possibly be let to independent businesses.
    I was sorry to see the laundry go on Old Dover Road. The machines were good for washing moderate load of washing and and the dtyers really dried your washing well.
    A bonus when you live in a flat or have no space to hang out your washing.
    So a new laundry would be good.


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