Last ever races tonight at Crayford greyhound track

Tonight will see the last ever greyhound racing at Crayford track.

Ladbrokes state the venue – which opened in 1986 and is one of dwindling number left in the capital – will see the last races today with the “track formally ceasing operations as of Tuesday 21st January 2025”.

Greyhound track beside new housing (in red) and Sainsbury’s beside station

They continue “We have explored various avenues to avoid this outcome, but ultimately, it is no longer viable for us to continue operating the site”.

Ladbrokes are keeping Romford open.

As for its future, housing must be a likely candidate. The site sits close to Crayford town centre shops, Crayford railway station and a number of bus routes.

In fact work is now starting metres away on 559 homes in Crayford.

Courtesy London Square. Future site of 559 homes. Sainsbury’s car park on left with station nearby

Developer London Square have commenced site work with construction due to begin in earnest this year with the first homes ready for occupation in 2026.

Looking at overhead images one wonders how long until that massive Sainsbury’s car park is redeveloped. Stick a two-storey car park there and that’s a lot of land for housing – and custom for the supermarket.


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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

3 thoughts on “Last ever races tonight at Crayford greyhound track

  • Sadly the infrastructure is already at breaking point. Doctors, Dentists, Hospitals and roads all stretched and gridlocked, and trains already standing room/at capacity and this will do nothing to address or reduce that.

    • I agree Martin. Infrastructure is at breaking point. Sadly planners are not taking these issues in to account when granting planning permission.
      You are so right Martin we need mote Doctors. Hospitals, Dentist, Schools, Nurseries, bus services, train services and road infrastructure. Along with new job opportunities.

  • End of an era. Crayford Dogs used to provide a good evening out in its hey day.
    I hope the new housing will include some truely affordable housing for rent as part of future plans for the site. As mentioned the site is close to the station shops and bus routes. So a prime location..


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