Woolwich town centre development to start June 2025
A major Woolwich town centre development located between a Tesco superstore and General Gordon Square is set to begin in June 2025.
Newly submitted documents give a summer start date for a residential block on phase three approved after a height reduction.

Blocks located the opposite side of Tesco in phase four are set to start in August 2025.
Approval was given for the current designs in 2022. A total of 712 homes will be built. Of that just 113 homes will be affordable at London Affordable Rent which is the closest thing to social rent now often seen.

Long vacant
The site either side of Tesco has been vacant for many years was formerly public land with part home to Greenwich Council’s Peggy Middleton House.

Tesco owned the site for some years completing phases one and two winning a carbuncle cub in the process.
Under their control tower plans were drawn up as far back as 2006 but never proceeded.

What was built wasn’t not the best development in places, to be polite.
Cladding is a horror show in places unless you love the appearance of what looks like grey plastic.

The frontage facing north isn’t too bad to be honest. That side though needs a trigger warning blaring out from speakers on approach.
Tesco eventually sold up to Meyer Homes who sought a tower on site much as Tesco had planned, though of far better design. Good design but probably the wrong location.

A shame really this quality of tower couldn’t be seen elsewhere in Woolwich.
Plans were reduced in height and we have now a far less interesting building approved.

For many years it was a green space. It was never supposed to be be that for so long given Tesco planned a tower 19 years ago.
In recent months the area was fenced off in advance of work starting.

Which according to the latest application will be this summer.
Of course an applicating going in stating something and it actually happening are two different things. One to watch.
I will be pleased to see work start on the sites to the front and back of Tesco’s from Summer 2025.
With the Woolwich Tower site to the front of Tesco”s at least 113 of the honez will be for London Affordable rents. This will allow 113 local people/families to be housed.
Greenwich Council and Housing Assocuations need to identify more sites for social housing in the Borough.
I think the old Waterfront Leisure centre site should be site aside for social housing.when the Waterfront Leisure Centre closes and the new Leusure Centre opens on Woolwich New Road opposite General Gordon Square.. As should other sites owned by the Council..
I agree more sites need to by identified for social housing in Greenwich on land and buildings owned by the Council, TFL and other public organisations.
I know the large Birchmere Council Depot in Thanesmead is earmarked for redevelopment to Council housing in the future. I agree the old Waterfront Leisure Centre site should be redeveloped in to social housing for Council and Housing Association homes for local people.
Thr Riverside House development should have also been converted ro social housing. The Borough now needs mote social housing rather than hotels and student accommodation.
Large developments consisting of several blocks of flats should have one block set a side of social housing as part of the planning application process.
I also agree some older buildings that ate structurely sound could be refurbished made energy efficient and converted in to new homes rather than seeing the old buildings demolished.
Woolwich has too much social housing. Woolwich needs a thirds space or virgin active, a cinema, and places to go out at night… and more police
Not building or having social housing/truly affordable homes doesn’t solve anything with more people in turn squeezed into private rented homes often converted to HMOs from family dwellings – at vast cost to councils, government and the taxpayers. See the annual £34bn annual cost we now have as a result.
Yes I am looking forward to seeing work start on the new hones by Tesco in Woolwich. The site behind Tesco has stood empty now for a number of years now.
These sites are close to public transport local bus services, Woolwich Arsenal Station and the Docklands Light Railway and with in walking distance of Woolwich Elizabeth Line Station. So ideal for commuters. Local shops and other amenities are also on the door step.
LllYes I am looking forward to seeing work start on the new hones by Tesco in Woolwich. The site behind Tesco has stood empty now for a number of years now.
These sites are close to publuc transport local bus services, Woolwich Arsenal Station and the Docklands Light Railway and with in walking distance of Woolwich Elizabeth Line Station. So ideal for commuters. Local shops and other amenities are on the door step.
Where are the details for extra doctors, schools, and other social amenities in this overall set of proposals?What species being proposed for nursery sites.Without this detail this is an incomplete scheme ,and should not proceed.
Schools have been built, others under subscribed and doctors and issue for the NHS though section 106 spending s allocated to health.
Not building homes doesn’t solve any issues but just results in ever higher costs and more overcrowding.
I have been asking that for years Brian Smith but it falls on deaf ears with the Lical Authority (Labour), Local MP’s (Labour] and both the Conservative and Labour Government’s. They all play the blame game but none of them do nothing about increasing amenities like GP Surgeries, Schools, Nurseries, hospitals, sicial amenities and transport improvements including improving local bus services.
Louis – Over the years the Botough has lost a lot of social housing witb sites being demolished and replaced with mainly part buy part rent properties with very few homes actually being allocated for social housing. Hence enough sicial housing is still not being built which people on lower and moderate incomes can afford to rent.
What a shame the original tower didn’t make it through, clearly a much better design than the awful building that’s going up in its place.
Agree! It’s been annoying me since it was announced. We have great plans initially and they end up with poorer design builds. This and the likes of the Mast Quay – two new builds we’ll regret.
Hopeful that the tower will end up being nicer than how it looks on paper. It’s still going to be huge and stick out!
Same here, it’s so frustrating because the previous proposal was far superior in design and quality. As you say, hopefully it’ll look better in reality. At least it’ll obscure the view of the Tesco carbuncle, and improve the public realm/ landscaping around it.
It looks like it was inspired by Soviet Germany…
I agree Adam, I loved the design of the original tower and have always supported a building on this site. A much better use of the space.
Greenwich council needs to stop giving permission for accommodation aimed at international students, and prioritise affordable housing for local individuals and families instead. Doing so would help reduce the financial burden the council faces in providing so much temporary accommodation, allowing it to fund better services.
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