Further Woolwich student housing development submitted

A proposal for 120 student rooms in Woolwich has been submitted to Greenwich Council.

Last week I covered work starting on 299 student rooms at the former Catholic Club on Beresford Street and highlighted plans for further development next door.

Former Catholic Club on right. This site in gap seen to left between hotel

That application has now been submitted and is from Hurlington who are also behind the adjacent block.

A lack of variety in proposed building material results in quite a monolithic block lining Beresford Street.

Proposed design. Courtesy Hurlington. Lack of double height ground floor adds to bulk. 

This next phase would have greatly benefitted from variation in material and form rather than mimicking its neighbour.

To the north lies a Premier Inn hotel. North of that is Berkeley’s Ropeyards scheme of 663 homes.

Ropeyards site along Beresford Street

As is common, everything proposed is pretty much a box along here. Flat roofs, no step-backs or general interest at upper levels and an all-round functional and rather cheap appearance.

A lack of double-height ground floor also enhances the lumpen nature of blocks planned along here.

Over the road is the Macbean Street site where hundreds more student rooms and co-living units (essentially student flats for older people) are planned.

Riverside House conversion and extension plan submitted

There’s also submitted plans to convert Riverside House into student housing.

Plans for the 120 student room development uploaded this week can be viewed here.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

3 thoughts on “Further Woolwich student housing development submitted

  • Does this all this new student housing contain any recreational areas, anywhere to sit out in the summer, any games pitches, or somewhere to simply “kick a ball around”? It appears not. So, with Maribor Park now vandalised by Berkeley Homes, the only place for them to go will be the small strip of land which will eventually go from Beresford Road to the river. And who will pay to maintain that? The Royal Arsenal lease-holders of course!

  • I agree Michael Doe. With such large amounts of student accommodation in and around Wookwich Town Centre. Therw needs to bevopen spaces for recreation..
    This also applies to all high density housing..
    Greenwich Council seem to be cutting back on the amount of developments apptovred for new homes. Instead choosing to grant planning applications for student accommodation and hotels.

  • Pingback: Woolwich block containing three hundred rooms rising quickly - Murky Depths

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