Forthcoming Stratford 36-floor tower beside station now rising

A tower close to Stratford station has broken ground and is now heading up towards its final 36-storey height.

An office block stood on site until demolition commenced last year once Unite had purchased the plot.

Tower on right now underway

An adjacent site is also in line for development though is someway further back in the process.

During demolition

The above photo was taken from a bridge between Jubilee line platforms, and turning a tad to the right points us towards a site where a tower has just been refused.

I covered that last week here.

Tower in this direction blocked

As for the tower that has been approved, it will see 716 student rooms.

The first five floors will be occupied by the London Academy of Excellence, a sixth form college currently based within Broadway House in Stratford.

Another student tower is planned nearby on Great Eastern Road beside the footbridge leading from beside Stratford station to Westfield.

That tower will top out at 41-floors and was approved in April 2024.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

One thought on “Forthcoming Stratford 36-floor tower beside station now rising

  • And you wonder why that Stratford station will still get even more busier despite a new entrance from Gibbons Road is now officially opened that would relieve some of the congestion. And to act as an alternative route to get to Stratford International station and the Olympic Park without having to walk through Westfield Stratford City shopping centre.


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