Woolwich cafe rooftop extension plans submitted
Plans are in to add two floors to a cafe on the corner of Woolwich High Street and Hare Street.
The building has recently seen restoration predmonantly using funds from Heritage England as part of Woolwich town centre improvements.

Plans would see two additional floors and the conversion of first floor space used a nightclub into residential usage.
Eight flats are included with the second floor replicating features seen on the existing first floor.

Built in 1929 as the first Burton menswear shop in Woolwich it’s not listed. It is however in a conservation zone and listed as a local heritage asset.

What became a nigtclub was built as a billiard hall.
Woolwich High Street is seeing substantial change with two further Berkeley Homes’ towers now rising.

The Waterfront leisure centre will close in 2025 and the site redeveloped. In recent weeks another application was revealed to develop land nearby at Mortgramit Square.

A previous extension plan in 2016 was rejected.
The latest application and associated documents can be viewed here.
Nightclub is too polite, it was a strip club for a good few years back around 2005. Seeing that dive go was the best indicator that Woolwich has turned a corner after a decade of lying in the gutter. Things are mostly looking up