New bar seeks to open in Greenwich – though some oppose

Plans for a new bar beside the Thames in Greenwich are set to go before Greenwich council’s licensing committee next week.

A meeting scheduled for 8th March will decide on whether to grant a licence for a venue in the River Gardens development.

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Local councillor Rowshan Hannan has emailed to oppose the plan, with the bar seeking the sale of alcohol on Monday to Thursday until 11pm, Friday and Saturday until 12:30am and 11:30pm on Sundays.

Plans for a bar here were blocked

A previous plan to open a bar on the ground floor at another commercial unit in the development from Woolwich-based brewer and pub group Hop Stuff was blocked by the council. The business later struggled and was sold to Salt.

Proprietor John Quy is set to argue his corner on why a licence should be given next week, with some residents and the local councillor arguing otherwise.


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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

4 thoughts on “New bar seeks to open in Greenwich – though some oppose

  • How do we raise objections?

  • How do I raise my support? Sad little NIMBY

  • Why would you object? It’s an area of high housing but little social space with a load of industrial units otherwise sitting empty

  • The pub could be a meeting place for local residents to meet and relax.
    However, As the pub would form part of a mixed commercial/housing development. I would say the pub should close by 11pm on all nights of the week. As not to disturb residents some of which may have children needing to sleep.


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