Abbey Wood industrial estate: 600 homes & 20+ storey tower in developer plan

The owner of an industrial estate in Abbey Wood is looking to build towers and 600  homes. It has entered into discussion with Greenwich Council.

Sabreleague state “we would suggest that, based on the initial preapplication meeting, the site has the ability to accommodate tall buildings of 20+ storeys and deliver circa 600 units”.

Approved. Lyndean is to left from this viewpoint

Lyndean industrial estate sites next to a site that saw a tower approved in 2018. Greenwich Council documents list the site a suitable for change given its location close to Abbey Wood station. Access to industrial units is hampered by narrow roads and a width restriction.

The landowner continues: “With the site’s location within 200 metres of Abbey Wood Station, and the imminent arrival of the Elizabeth Line, Sabreleague Ltd strongly contends that Lyndean Industrial Estate is an appropriate site for a high density, mixed use development that co-locates industrial and residential uses.”

I grew up locally and remember HGVs regularly getting stuck. For some time the industrial estate struggled to attract tenants and saw a triple stabbing and murder while used as an unlicensed venue. That followed years of unlicensed use of various units and inaction.

A number of legitimate businesses trade on site that are not reliant on HGV deliveries. The plan would retain space for business: “Our client accepts the requirement to ensure that there is no net loss of industrial floorspace capacity. Through intensification of industrial sites, development proposals can be brought forward that not only re-provides the existing industrial floorspace but can also deliver additional housing throughout the Opportunity Area”.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

    One thought on “Abbey Wood industrial estate: 600 homes & 20+ storey tower in developer plan

    • More over priced houses and flats local people can’t afford to buy, why can’t the council build houses like they have in Woolwich


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