Flammable cladding to be removed at more Greenwich housing blocks

Blocks built five years ago at Greenwich Millennium Village will see scaffolding erected as cladding is removed at upper levels.

Residents moved in to the blocks in 2016. Removal is needed “due to the need for the cladding to comply with the latest Government advice regarding composite aluminium cladding on high rise buildings.”

Taken late 2015 as work completed

The colour scheme will remain the same. This is far from the only development in Greenwich that used dangerous cladding materials.

Top three as of November 2019

Greenwich borough is in the top three boroughs nationwide and top two in London alongside Tower Hamlets. A development named Greenwich Square is one such location:

Cladding removal – taken in Feb 2020

Work is also underway at New Capital Quay which houses Waitrose.

Scaffolding at New Capital Quay

Deptford Creek also saw work undertaken:

Cladding work in Greenwich

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

4 thoughts on “Flammable cladding to be removed at more Greenwich housing blocks

  • Encouraging news, but who is paying for the replacement?

  • Greenwich Council need to look long and hard at themselves. Third in the nation is a disgrace. Who under their watch was signing off on all these potentially deadly buildings which retrospectively do not meet even come close to meeting building regulations. Large compensation payments may be required from GC to right these wrongs.

  • As we have seen from the Grenfell Tower fire enquiry, the chain of responsibility is long and complex. Whether Greenwich council is ultimately responsible may have to be tested in court.

    Whatever happens, the innocent occupiers should not be the ones to bear the cost. They did not knowingly contract to occupy a property that could kill them if the building caught fire.

  • Excellent news this is encouraging.

    I do feel sorry for councils to be fair. As cladding was originally added to some of their older council housing stock to try and make homes warmer and more energy efficient and reduce fuel bills for residents.

    But the cladding they are adding to new builds does not even look that nice on most of the developments where it has been installed.

    That said health and safety must be paramount with proper safety checks and no cost cutting to ensure the correct materials are fitted.

    Personally I would rather have brick and or render and more energy efficient double glazing boliers and heating systems any day over cladding for energy efficient on new and older homes.


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