Woolwich Waterfront car park towers now rising

It’s barely visible when passing but the first signs of new towers coming to the former Waterfront car park site in Woolwich are now visible above hoardings.

Elizabeth Line advertised on the hoardings

What may appear to be stump of little importance is actually quite something as London’s declining property market could have put the blockers on this. It appears not to and so the Woolwich skyline will continue to quickly change.

This is what will appear in coming months and years. Five towers in total:

Towers coming soon

The towers are rising before Waterfront lesiure centre moves to a new site in the town centre on General Gordon Square near Woolwich Arsenal station. That has been delayed. The loss of parking hasn’t been without controversy and is believed to be a factor in declining membership at the centre.

Former car park

These new towers are just about becoming visible as two other adjacent towers complete. One is on the Callis Yard site with 152 homes across that development – as covered yesterday – and the other is a Berkeley Homes tower:

Callis Yard on right with Berkeley Homes’ tower on left

I was a bit dubious about the riverside towers and given the slab like form, though in the flesh, as it were, they aren’t too bad at all. I do love a bit of burnt orange cladding which helps. The tapered form also mitigates against the mass.

I’m still waiting to see how the skyline appears when these new towers complete. The best skylines have variation in height yet a 22-floor limit seems imposed in Woolwich which could see a huge wall-like tower mass appear.

Finished article

A new open space is planned as seen in the renders above. Despite this prime riverside site it appears there will not be many commercial units facing the Thames at street level.

Aerial plan

Some do face onto Woolwich High Street which is currently a traffic clogged dual carriageway. A curious choice unless radical changes are coming to the road.

Current street layout

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

    5 thoughts on “Woolwich Waterfront car park towers now rising

    • Guess they will prob be finished before Callis Yard completes, 6 Months of delays and past the long stop date with no completion date in site.

      • I’m stuck in the same boat as you, John. Wondering if you’d like to have a chat so that we can exchange notes? Getting information regarding the blocker from the CBRE/developer is quite an ordeal.

        • In the exact same situation… absolutely horrified and frustrated waiting for completion with CBRE/Callis yard, does not seem to be happening any time soon, and zero communication

          • I have provided my email details to fromthemurkydepths, in case you want to get in touch to exchange notes.


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