Improving a Greenwich open space – consultation now on

A consultation has commenced on improving a small area of greenery in Greenwich near Deptford Creek.

A number of homes were built beside the site in recent years and mature trees removed leaving a patch of grass. These plans would see landscaping with wild plants, flowers and trees planted.

Current site

And after:

It looks good though some comments raise the issue of future maintenance of the area as well as removing much of the existing grass.

Over the road we have a perfect example of why that worry has arisen. A failure to invest in public space at Thornham Street and Haddo estate will make the contrast pretty glaring.

Courtesy Google.

Whilst funds for this the Low Emission scheme probably cannot be used on the estate, others certainly can.

Poor use of public space at Haddo estate

And many, many new builds in the vicinity have provided funds to the authority.

Broken brickwork seen almost everywhere

That they havn’t invested money towards the estate whilst the Low Emission Neighbourhood scheme is underway will highlight glaring inequalities with estates – and particularly public spaces within them – all too often forgotten.


It can’t be said people aren’t trying to secure more for this area. The entrance is better than it was a couple of years ago thanks to some dogged work by local people who were brushed off many, many times yet stuck with it.

Public space

But the work is minor. It was cutting back overgrown bushes and rebuilding a small section of wall with dangerous cracks yet broken brickwork remains in many other places.

So then, some good ideas but a scheme which highlights a lack of focus on estates and exacerbate some stark differences. If the estate was particularly visible to tourists would it be so bad?

Click here to view and comment on plans.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

4 thoughts on “Improving a Greenwich open space – consultation now on

  • Greenwich council only spends money in West Greenwich because they only like torists and rich people. Everyone else is scum.

  • Even in West Greenwich there’s a dismissive and resentful approach by Greenwich Council to investing in the public realm, estates or social assets which aren’t tied to new, private developments or happen to be in areas where council officials live themselves.

    The estate pictured in this article is actually right next to land discussed in the article – in the centre of West Greenwich. The contrast is quite unsettling…

    The same ‘approach’ can be observed if one takes a walk up Greenwich South Street to Lewisham Road. At wealthy Devonshire Drive, SE10 they propose this…

    Walk a little further down the road and you’ll encounter the ‘compound degradation’ inflicted on the Orchard Estate and it surrounding area by many years of neglect.

  • What about the possibility of one of the proposed crossings being moved back towards St Alfege Park and a new access gate being created on the North west corner (nearest the proposed site) to link the two? Especially with all of the new/existing buildings to the west, a simple tweak could ensure better/safer access for children to this park, the village and main park!

  • Pingback: Is a council estate in Greenwich still being ignored as funds allocated nearby? | From The Murky Depths

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