Cycle Superhighway 4 work from Tower Bridge to Greenwich to begin summer 2019

Transport for London have today released a report revealing that work to begin CS4 will begin in summer 2019.

They begun consulting on plans in September 2017 (covered on the site here)  and the plan will see:

  • Segregated lanes on Tooley Street, Jamaica Road, Evelyn Street and Creek Road
  • New and altered pedestrian crossings
  • A rebuilt Rotherhithe roundabout
Deptford junction before

The lane will pass by 1,130 new homes being built on Evelyn Street in Deptford.


The cycle lane was originally due to head to Woolwich from Greenwich through the notorious area below the Blackwall flyover. This was scrapped but now appears to be back – though in a later stage.

CS4 will start/stop here – at first

It seems more “jam tomorrow” offered but how many times have we seen that? It could mean yet more years with minimal work on east Greenwich, Charlton and Woolwich until it happens (or cancelled again looking at TfL finances).

In the meantime will interim measure occur? Even on a small scale? Two years ago £50k was due to be spent around the area from Greenwich Council’s HILLs project but nothing ever happened.

Work on converting Greenwich town centre’s one-way system will begin soon too – and this work should dove tail into that.

Other changes

There’s some bad news for bus users as TfL state:

“We are proposing to reassign the westbound bus lane between Lower Road
and Jamaica Road as a general traffic lane to improve traffic flow at
Rotherhithe Roundabout”.

Next steps

TfL will now launch a further consultation on “changes proposed to the Southwark Park Road junction with Jamaica Road in response to the safety and congestion concerns raised”.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

5 thoughts on “Cycle Superhighway 4 work from Tower Bridge to Greenwich to begin summer 2019

  • So TfL are on the verge of going bust, and yet they still push ahead with this! Have they not learnt their lesson with the other cycle lane disasters? Cyclists contribute nothing, so start charging them for the use to make money. Greenwich traffic is bad enough, now with more reduced space, more and more delays!

  • Cycle lane disasters? A disaster to whom or what? Please provide evidence for any answer you give and how the infrastructure has been a disaster (links to studies will be sufficient). We can all come up with anecdotes.
    Many of the lanes I use are far from a disaster and in terms of usage the counters prove the huge benefit of moving people around.
    Regarding not contributing anything, please advise what it is that ‘cyclists’ don’t contribute to.
    If cyclists are to be charged for using a cycle lane, perhaps they wouldn’t use them and revert to non-chargeable lanes? How would charging work? Should pedestrians be tolled for using a widened pathway? Do pedestrians contribute anything?

  • Most cyclists pay council tax, hence they already contribute to the costs of building and maintaining roads, so it makes no sense whatsoever to double-charge them for the installation of segregated cycle lanes.

    Studies suggest that cyclists actually contribute more financially to small local businesses than other road users.

    Saying that “cyclists contribute nothing” merely illustrates Mr Jackson’s anti-cycling prejudice.

    • So car drivers contribute through council tax, fuel duty and vat on fuel and road fund licences as well as pay ULEZ and C-charge yet cyclists, who aggressive in behaviour and have poor road craft, constantly floundering the rules of the road and blame others when your cock up gets you knocked off, pay nothing. Cyclists should pay a license fee and undergo road training to pass a test to ride in London.(CycleZone) The rider carries the license and has mugshot loaded onto a central database so if you jump red lights etc, you are picked up on facial recognition and pay a fine like every road user should…this costs you £30 a year… Think that sounds fair…

      • Steve, your points apply equally to motorists, many of whom are aggressive and drive poorly, and a not insignificant number of whom do not have valid insurance, full UK driving licence or VED (a pollution tax, there is no such thing as a ‘road fund licence and has not been for many, many decades).
        Like motorists that can obscure their number plates, the cyclists that are responsible for bad behaviour will just obscure their faces with a scarf or a mask, and many wear sun/protective eyewear anyway, so any of which would defeat facial recognition technology.
        Fact of the matter is that those commuting by bicycle do not significantly contribute to traffic, poor air quality, or wear and tear of the road network.
        Standards are sometimes lacking and their are always going to be a percentage of muppets in any demographic, and while I would not argue against some form of mandatory proficiency test, the reality is that enforcement of such for bicycles is so impractical that no one in authority would suggest it.
        In the summer, get yourself a bike and go for a ride. It is a nice way to get around and you may get a little perspective.


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