Can you help The Murky Depths continue covering local news? New donation scheme launched

You may have noticed that other fantastic websites such as 853 recently brought up the concept of donations given the time and money it takes to run a website. It’s something I’ve half thought about for a while, and given their lead I’m now giving it a shot.

This site has recently undergone some changes. It has grown up and moved from being a free WordPress site to now using paid hosting and the frequency of articles has increased.

It’s not always easy finding the time and costs in doing so, particularly with the high cost of living in London and making the rent each month.

So seeing the idea of people donating to content creaters has struck a chord.

Other improvements in the site and coverage have also been underway. The Flickr page has had new photos uploaded (the photo of the old Woolwich co-op above is part of a Woolwich folder just up). A mailing list is being created. You can sign up on the right. There’s also now a Facebook page.

More to cover

I think there’s scope to broaden coverage further. Possibly a bit more on local shops, bars, pubs and events. Some more in-depth articles on important issues. But this all takes time and costs money – such as travelling to cover events and take photos.

So if you lovely readers could help in any way it’d be greatly appreciated.

I’ve created a page where donations can be made at various levels, which can be seen here.

I’ve taken a similar approach as Darryl who writes the 853 site. Afterall, he was the inspiration behind the site way back in 2010 on one quiet afternoon.

What that means is using Patreon for donations and those putting in at least half the London living wage (which is £4.90) will receive a monthly newsletter. But you can give less if you want.

Patreon charges in US dollars and VAT is added at check out. A better option may be to use PayPal if donating. I don’t even get to see who you are if you don’t want me seeing.

A donation at will allow the site to continue to grow and highlight issues that may not otherwise be seeing the light of day.  If you enjoy the site please help and if you spread the word to friends, family , co-workers etc.

I’d be over the moon with any help.

Many thanks.



Running a site alone takes time and a fair bit of money. Adverts are far from enough to cover it and my living costs as a private renter.

You can support me including via Paypal here

Another option is via Patreon by clicking here

You can also buy me a beer/coffee at Ko-fi here

There's also a Facebook page for the site here

Many thanks

J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

    One thought on “Can you help The Murky Depths continue covering local news? New donation scheme launched

    • I enjoy reading your blog and would be prepared to make the odd contribution from time to time. I would prefer to use paypal since I already have an account, so please can you provide a link.


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