U&I seek to demolish listed Charlton building in new 520-home scheme
Another development site in Charlton is moving forward as early plans for 520 more homes are submitted in a screening opinion request. Earlier ideas were for 370 homes.
The site is near the new river path near the border with Woolwich and features a number of wonderful industrial buildings including four locally listed buildings. Developer U&I are seeking to demolish one of them – 37 Bowater Road.

Here’s the relevant section in the report:
It would be a great shame to lose this gorgeous building, which is a rare bit of character in a sea of late 20th century, low quality sheds occupying most of Charlton Riverside.
Being locally listed offers far less protection than statutory listing.
The site was also recently made a conservation area. Siemens Electrical Works occupied the site from the late 1800’s until the 1960’s.
Plans also see 9,000 sqm of floorspace of commercial use, as well as 100 parking spaces for residents. Buildings would top out at 10 floors.
U&I are looking to start on site in early 2020 and complete in 2023.
This is a separate plan to two others in the news recently; Rockwell’s scheme for 771 homes recently rejected by Greenwich Council and Komotos recently revealed scheme of 500 homes.
All three are part of the 7,500 home Charlton Riverside masterplan. Though numbers always creep up on these scheme and I wouldn’t be surprised if it exceeded 8,000. Indeed, this scheme has gone from 370 to 520 homes. Greenwich Peninsula’s masterplan rose substantially over the years.
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Since the cycle lane extension opened I’ve travelled through this area I never knew existed. It’s a hidden gem. Leave what is good!
Ah this is a real shame. I recently went to Lisbon where there was a huge building similar to this that had been developed into an incredibly trendy art space/shopping/restaurant district called the LX Factory.
They really need someone with a creative mind to come in and transform these incredible spaces into something that would be a huge asset to the area instead of just knocking it all down for yet more condensed housing. London can be so short sighted sometimes. Street Feast did such a simple thing with the old woolwich market, and it’s ace. Really sad to see men in suits want to destroy such heritage.
Here’s a link if anyone’s interested: http://www.lxfactory.com/EN/welcome/
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