Upward extension proposed for Lewisham High Street shop

Plans are in to add additional floors to a building on Lewisham High Street.

Proposals would see “part demolition of existing first-floor and part upward extension comprising of 5-storeys” to bring it into line with neighbours either side.

As seen in planning application. Pub on left

On one side is the Wetherspoons which LandSec originally sought to demolish a part of a major town centre project including the shopping centre rebuild. The idea of knocking down ‘spoons is now dropped.

On the other side past a lower rise building is Primark which was formerly C&A. There’s a good historic pic of the shops here.

Courtesy Landsec. Initial development plan for shopping centre and High Street sites

An entrance to the Model Market existed beside here and faded signage still remains.

That area is set to be the first demolished with an application submitted in 2024.

Upwards extension

In the recent past other buildings nearby have seen rooftop extensions to provide housing, with one such site being the former Suttons Radio pub.

Click here to view the application.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

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