Greenwich development now up to eighth floor beside creek

A development beside Deptford Creek near Greenwich station is now rising in advance of the arrival of 150 homes.

Saxon Wharf sits on a former skip yard along Norman Road, and upon completion will see a creekside path opened alongside a commercial unit and 145 flats.

Creekside path plan at Saxon Wharf

That should then see the long-closed walkway to the north opened at a previously built site. Saxon Wharf is the latest development at this end of Deptford Creek.

Directly south sits a Thames water worksite for the 25km Tideway tunnel project which is now wrapping up.

Tideway worksite. Saxon Wharf on the rise and Sun Wharf over the creek

Residential plans further the south have been a little slower compared to the north but as covered on this site in recent days further details have emerged about a large development at the former Lewisham college site. At least 800 flats are planned with a planning application due imminently.

There’s also been revised plans for an extension to the Bird’s Nest pub. I’ve pretty much completed an article on that which will be uploaded shortly.

Saxon Wharf viewed from Creek Road bridge

The Saxon Wharf site is the most generic of generic developments. A chunky, stumpy box? Check. Tacked on balconies? Check. Uninspiring is being kind.

Once upon a time there was mention of a new pedestrian and cycling bridge in this part of the creek given thousands of new homes.

Like so many plans for improved infrastructure it’s disappeared from any recent planning documents as well as council strategy proposals.

Tower plan beside Trinity Laban has gone nowhere for many years

Over the creek there’s still no movement at new homes at a former Lewisham Council site beside Trinity Laban. For a council with a severe housing crises they’re pretty abysmal at utilising land to build.

There’s also no movement at Sun Wharf approved some years ago.

Sun Wharf beside Deptford Creek. Railway lifting bridge seen at bottom

As for Saxon Wharf it should reach completion late in 2025 or 2026.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

2 thoughts on “Greenwich development now up to eighth floor beside creek

  • I wouldn’t have thought the Lewisham college site was large enough for 800 homes, hoping that the ‘appeny’atch isn’t going anywhere either.

  • I can see a Southeastern Class 707 City Beam train on the picture. Since all 30 Class 707s have been cascaded from South Western Railway last year and the previous years. Before the Class 701 Arterio came into service late last year.


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