Building firm ISG collapse hits projects including at Canary Wharf

One of the country’s biggest construction firms has gone into administration putting numerous projects at risk.

ISG employ 3,000 people and had a turnover of £2.2 billion.

They had recently secured a number of jobs from the Ministry of Justice for building work across the prison estate.

With early releases ow being adopted a delay to prison places presents a further headache for government.

The company had a wide reach and another project awarded earlier this year was to convert a building at Canary Wharf into Life Science labs.

That isn’t the North Quay tower but rather a block at West India Avenue.

A hoped for rescue deal for ISG over the summer failed to materialise.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

4 thoughts on “Building firm ISG collapse hits projects including at Canary Wharf

  • The re-fit division has not gone into administration.

    • It’s also now in admin along with all other subsidiaries of ISG. Hopefully a rescue deal isn’t far away

  • They’ll still be impacted. Some staff too won’t be sticking around and hiring tricky.

  • Let’s hope a rescue deal can be achieved. My heart goes out to all the staff involved..a very difficult tine for everyone.


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