Cycle parking proposed beneath Greenwich flyover

Plans have been submitted to install cycle parking beneath the Blackwall approach flyover at Angerstein roundabout.

If approved a spot at the north edge of the roundabout beneath the flyover would see three secure cycle shelters with five parking spaces in each.

Site image taken from planning application

The site sees a dedicated cycle lane running east-west beneath the A102 but a far more ambitious plan was dropped.

Despite thousands of new homes built and planned within a short radius – in addition to existing homes – little effort has so far ever been made by Transport for London or Greenwich Council to improve the area and reduce severance between new and existing communities.

Thousands of homes built in Greenwich over recent past

Poor choice?

The question is who would use such a hostile spot to park a bike? Is this box ticking or will subsequent improvements follow for the public realm?

The application states: “A lack of appropriate cycle parking facilities is often cited as a barrier to cycling and cycle ownership and use, and could be a constraint on the future growth of cycling” but without further improvements in this area it will remain a grim place to pass through or park a bike.

Not good on foot

It’s also a pretty dismal area for pedestrians with poor lighting, broken street furniture and sees little maintenance. Everything is filthy.

It wouldn’t break the bank to improve lighting to give the area a lift (Uplighting? Coloured LEDs?) alongside removing some street clutter or at least a lick of paint on what is there. Murals/artwork could help lift the area.

Courtesy Google. Beneath flyover in Dundee

In advance of substantive changes, the bleak space beneath the flyover in Greenwich alongside equally poor approaches could be improved relatively cheaply.

It’s not the only abysmal environment for those on foot despite the changing environment seen across Greenwich with thousands of new homes.

Beneath flyover a short distance north

Whether a concerted effort to improve both locations for those on foot and cycle would not only benefit residents but local business. Whether that follows remains to be seen.

There’s no shortage of incoming funds from various developments to assist.

Running a site alone takes time and a fair bit of money. Adverts are far from enough to cover it and my living costs as a private renter.

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Many thanks

J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

    5 thoughts on “Cycle parking proposed beneath Greenwich flyover

    • This is a weird suggestion. The area is dismal, and there are neither shops nor substantive housing buildings nearby. Nobody would use it, and it just would be a focal point for more anti-social behaviour.

      • Absolutely agree. It’s horrendous under that flyover. This is a cop out proposal.

    • I’d guess they’re doing this to try and stop the kids that skate there when it’s raining?

      That’s a pretty depressing motivator if so. This spot isn’t close enough to flats or shops to be used by many cyclists so it’s just going to remain a filthy dumping ground but with the added benefit for our misfiring council to be able to point at some cycling infrastructure & show how it’s not being used, thus justifying not spending on the proper infrastructure the borough needs.

      They’d be better off putting flood lights and some proper ramps in for the skaters – at least then in would be used.

    • Not a great idea the area is depressing and dirty . Not an ideal place to park bikes in the middle of the really busy Angerstein roundabout which is dangerous for both cyclist and pedestrians. It sees heavy levels of traffic all day long 7 days a week.
      A cycle park would be better located by shops housing stations etc.

    • This location will be crime central for bike thefts. You can partially design out bike theft with high footfall (though some thieves don’t care). Bike parking in busy locating with lots of footfall, visibility from shops and cafes are the best methods. As usual Greenwich council are incompetent and just don’t care.


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