Bexleyheath Broadway redevelopment plan submitted

Plans are in to demolished existing shops on Bexleyheath Broadway and construct new units with 15 flats above.

The site at 235 & 237 used to have HSBC in one unit before closure.

It’s a prominent corner site next to Albion Road which has seen previous development proposals.

Render of project seen in planning application

The application states that the developer wishes to “develop the scheme previously approved for this site (Planning application ref: 22/02438/FUL) and now acknowledges the recently completed scheme on the opposite site at 214 Broadway.

“The recently completed scheme faces the proposed site and takes the existing commercial ground floor high street frontage and has added 4 additional storeys of residential accommodation above the ground floor”.

Sites nearby

That site over the road recently completed and is one of a number in this area of the Broadway, Further east the former Nyne Bar was redeveloped.

There were also plans for the Jobcentre submitted but little has happened since.

Another project underway is further along at the junction with Lion Road.

All have excellent bus links, local amenities and are a pretty short walk to Bexleyheath station. The latest application can be seen here.



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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

One thought on “Bexleyheath Broadway redevelopment plan submitted

  • The 15 new homes above two new units on Bexleyheath Broadway will be very much welcome. Mixed retail,housing developments are very popular in Town Centes. They are also conveniently situated for public transport and amenities.


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