Korean butcher and shop planned in Greenwich town centre

An application is in to open a Korean butchers beside Sainsbury’s Local and the new Aldi in Greenwich.

The application lists the location as “Sainsbury’s Local” which suggest some shop space will be taken over, so I went to take a look at the site (you don’t get that level of fussiness in most local media!) and it appears it wont eat into the existing Sainsbury’s floorspace.

The application states “The proposed works are to convert the redundant part of the existing Sainsbury’s Local Store into a Premium Butcher shop”.

The unit

The shop will be called Tree Stone Butchers and they have another branch in nNw Malden and Golders Green..

Shop front


Off-topic for a second, and I’m continually amazed no plans have ever come along to completely rebuild the entire block here.

It’s low rise, on land worth a hefty wedge in Greenwich town centre.

The car park was recently the site of a proposal for a temporary post office with the existing building set to be demolished and rebuilt.

New Post office approved

Revised plans will now see the Post Office remain as the building is rebuilt around it. It will relocate to the rear then back to the front.

But anyway, good luck to the new business which looks a fantastic addition to the area.

The application can be seen here.



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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

One thought on “Korean butcher and shop planned in Greenwich town centre

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