New Thamesmead housing at Binsey Walk finally moving: Plans to go on show
Peabody have finally got moving on plans for new housing in Thamesmead on a site that has remained vacant for some time beside their new town square and flats.
Binsey Walk lies to the north of Cygnet Square – formerly Tavy Bridge – which will be the heart of many new homes, with shops, amenities and a library.

However lethargy in building at many nearby sites risks turning the square into a white elephant with little passing footfall.

New homes will sit beside Southmere Lake and offer wonderful views:

The other side isn’t quite so nice sitting beside an elevated dual carriageway and roundabout.
Phase 2 (Binsey Walk) was supposed to start on site over a year ago. It hasn’t yet had consultation let alone a planning application submitted, then approved and work start.

Phase 2 will see 329 new homes from Peabody and a low level of “affordable” housing at 35 per cent given this was formerly a public housing estate.

The masterplan rather oddly had the tallest block across all of this area of Thamesmead located furthest from Abbey Wood station and amenities. Higher density closer to the station surely make most sense.
It’s just one of many Peabody sites either years behind schedule or with no plans.

Homes on Harrow Manorway were flattened but no consultation or application has followed. Last year Peabody stated they may complete as far away as the late 2030s.
There’s also the former Harrow Inn pub in Abbey Wood. Much like Harrow Manorway its very close to Abbey Wood station and forthcoming Elizabeth Line stations, yet there is no movement. Plans have been approved but nothing has followed in the years since.

There’s also land beside the Thames as part of the 2015 Housing Zone. There’s absolutely no plans there.

If you want to attend a consultation you can in two ways:
Online (Zoom):
Date: 20 April
Time: 6.30 – 8 pm
In person:
Date: 23 April
Time: 12 – 4 pm
Location: The Nest, Cygnet Square,
Thamesmead, SE2 9UH
For information on the zoon session email
I don’t expect the property adverts to mention the stench that wafts sone mornings. I used to live in one of the old flats and it’s sometimes a stunning view as must rises from the lake but it also stinks.
On the housing zone front I think it should be kept as is. There’s decade’s of untouched ecological growth that is home to wildlife and trees that we now need for absorbing carbon and promoting ecosystems. That said greenwich council incompetence will be the best tool for preservation for this instance.
Why do Peabody and Greenwich Council drag their feet for so long over consultations and planning application when they say new housing is urgent. We are in the middle of a housing crisis.
Yet both Greenwich Council, Peabody and other housing associations in the Borough are happy to lose large estates of affordable social housing and replace them with homes that are for sale, part buy part rent or manly private rent at market value which most local people cannot afford on their salaries.
So many sites lay empty for months and years before any consultations and planning applications take place. Also many developers have left planning applications lapse meaning sites remain empty longer while new planning applications are re-submitted.
I have noticed no work has taken place on the old Morris Walk Estate in Charlton for a few months with just mounds of earth piled up on the site. I was wondering why work had stopped?
Sadly it does look like the Morris Walk Estate redevelopment is currently at a standstill. Graham. Not sure when work will commence on the site. Has work on the site stopped due to a planning issue or problems with the developer?
I hope this will not happen with the Peabody development in Thamesmead. As to his is having a knock on affect with new homes with so many of the old social housing on these sites already demolished.
Sadly hundreds of social housing homes (council and housing association) have been demolished
With the Council’s selling the sites to private developers and replaced with new homes for sale, part buy part rent or let at private tents at market value which many local people cannot afford so are forced to leave the area and move away from family and friends to find affordable housing.
We need a major social housing building programme in the Borough and a cross the UK.