Covid memorial bench stolen in Kidbrooke

A covid memorial bench installed in recent days has been stolen from King George’s field in Kidbrooke near Greenwich cemetery.

The bench was one of 23 installed over the past week across the borough and dedicated to those who lost their lives.

Greenwich Council leader Danny Thorpe said “I am truly appalled that someone would steal this bench, which was installed to remember those we’ve lost to COVID-19. I don’t think there’s one person in our borough who hasn’t been affected by the pandemic in some way. It’s utterly shameful.”

“Beyond belief”

Cllr Adel Khaireh, Cabinet Member for Culture, Communities and Equalities stated “The benches are a place for residents to remember loved ones and reflect on events of the past two years. They also serve as a thank you for the tireless efforts of key workers throughout the pandemic. The fact that someone would steal them is just beyond belief.”

Anyone with possible information can contact police by calling 101.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

    4 thoughts on “Covid memorial bench stolen in Kidbrooke

    • Kidbrooke is turning into a reeeeal SH*thole!

    • @Paul SuperUnkown, I agree

      .The Kidbrooke area is going downhill fast.

      How low do people have to stoop to nick a memorial bench dedicated to the victims of Covid. How distressing for the
      victims families and friends

    • @Paul SuperUnknown, Kidbrooke has always been a shit hole. Don’t let those shiny new developments lead you to think otherwise.

    • On the Whole Kidbrooke as always been an area neglected by Greenwich Council going back many many years. Remembering Kidbrooke is a larger area beyond Kidbrooke Village including the Brook Estate


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