Transport for London fine 150 passengers for not wearing mask in one day

TfL issued 150 fines on 1st December to those not wearing masks after national rule changes were introduced on public transport.

In London however the rules had already stated that passengers should wear a mask unless medically exempt.

Around 5,000 people were stopped, and fines represent around three per cent of people questioned.


Rail networks such as Southeastern Metro are however very lightly staffed. Southeastern state their staff will not challenge – with many stations lacking staff while trains have none on board as routine.

They state to contact British Transport Police who are very limited in number.

There have been some sporadic moves, though it’s rare.

Today has seen the most covid cases reported since summer.


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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

    16 thoughts on “Transport for London fine 150 passengers for not wearing mask in one day

    • We need to see inspectors on buses too checking passengers are wearing mask. Hardly anyome wearing mask on buses yesterday and today.

      Despite drivers playing the message you should wear a mask over your mouth and nose while using public transport unless exempt.

      We must all adhere to the rules that apply to us all. If we want to avoid another lockdown.

    • Visited a vaccination centre the other day, and even there saw a number of people un-masked or pulling them down to talk on cellphones at length. Staff didn’t do anything for fear of libertarian violence. Not surprising when the Boris tours hospitals in the same manner; people just follow his example.

    • Two security staff at North Greenwich yesterday. One on his mobile the other challenging people leaving the station.

      Hardly sensible. Way in more important.

    • Yes I agree Ballard Boris has prime Minister and all UK Politicians should lead by example. We cannot have one rule for them and another rule for us.

    • @CDT: the virus has now been politicised with one side or the other making cheap capital. The sensible thing to do is wear a mask, but people are finding this most minimal of precautions an infringement on the scale of being disappeared and kept in a secret government prison. 🙄 Then there are the ‘masks don’t work’ brigade who have nothing to say when you point out that surgeons wear them.

      I am pleased that TfL is issuing fines, but 150 fines out of 5,000 is small beer.

    • Russian intelligence backed disinformation and psy-ops are infinitely more harmful you’ll find.

    • “The Swiss Policy Research site has been criticized for spreading conspiracy theories including claims that QAnon was a psyop of the FBI[4] and theories relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.[2][5] German public broadcaster Tagesschau calls SPR a propaganda tool.[6]

      Due to the persistent use of the German letter ß, which is not commonly used in Switzerland, it has been suspected that the creator is not from Switzerland, contrary to what the website title suggests”

      “In 2017 a University of Zurich report on media in Switzerland analyzed “six of the most-discussed ‘alternative media'”, including SPR, that “resort to conspiracy theories.” Daniel Vogler concluded that SPR appears to be a “a pseudoscientific media research project.”[8]

      Andrea Haefely wrote a critique of the website in the magazine Beobachter in May 2020, noting: “The website Swiss Propaganda Research assumes that the Swiss media does what SPR itself does: feed the readers with questionable information.” She also suggested that the persistent use of the letter ß on the site suggests that the content creator is likely to be from outside Switzerland, as this particular letter form is not in common use within Switzerland.[7]

      Christoph Neuberger, a professor at the Free University of Berlin, stated that while the SPR website attempts to present its message as objective and neutral, it is clearly political, and its content is pseudoscientific (“pseudowissenschaftlich”).[2]

      Stephan Russ-Mohl, professor of journalism and media management at the Università della Svizzera italiana, considers the articles on the SPRS to themselves serve as propaganda, rather than being serious research on the subject. He has noted that the anonymity of the website creates doubts over the reliability and authenticity of its research, particularly in a country such as Switzerland, which has full freedom of its press.[6]”

      Also, if you do a domain search, you’ll find it’s a wordpress site based in California – Marina Del Rey; which is odd for a Swiss NGO.

    • @anonymous201481 I could not agree with you more.

    • If we do not abide by the rules and wear a mask on public transport and in shops and while in large groups of people we will be heading for another lockdown if infection numbers continue to rise which no one really wants this winter.

      We also do not only have to think of ourselves but we have to think of others who are elderly or vulnerable with underlying health conditions. Remember not all health conditions or disabilities are visable.


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