Crossrail passes another milestone as Custom House station reopens
With less than a year to go until Crossrail services commence on the Canary Wharf branch to Abbey Wood take step forward as Custom House station reopens tomorrow (8th January).
The station, which will be an interchange with the DLR, is located between Woolwich and Canary Wharf and has been closed since January 2017 for building work. It was originally due to reopen in November 2017.
At first glance Custom House may seem an odd location for a Crossrail station. It is directly beside the Excel centre, though the wider area is currently low-rise industrial use on one side and predominantly low-rise post-war housing the other.
Many expected a stop at London City Airport instead, and there has been campaigns for one.
But Newham Council have big plans for the area (it’s a reasonably sized PDF) in terms of new high density housing.
This map shows the sites earmarked for development:
5,000 homes are planned in total.
In addition to homes planned on Newham estates, other plans are underway including a site by the planned entrance to Silvertown Tunnel.
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On this page, see the following sentence:
Newham Council have big plans for the area (it’s a reasonably sized PDF) in terms of new high density housing.
The link to the document does not work.