Abbey Wood tower now rising

A tower near Abbey Wood station has broken ground and will begin making a major statement on the skyline in coming months.

The tower on Felixstowe Road is located beside Sainsbury’s and one of two buildings to rise on site.

Work commenced December 2020

A commercial unit sits between the two. The main tower is a build to rent development.

A lift shaft in the smaller block is now just about visible from adjacent Felixstowe Road.

View from Felixstowe Road

In total 245 homes are to be built across the development.

Crane beside Sainsburys

Landowners of an industrial estate next door are looking to build 600 homes.

600 homes planned here

Proximity to Abbey Wood station (it’s a two minute walk) with regular Southeastern, Thameslink and in future Elizabeth Line services is a major factor. The industrial estate has long struggled to find many tenants due to limited lorry access. There’s width restrictions in one direction and very tight turns the other beneath a flyover prohibiting HGV access. New industrial units are being built in Thamesmead which could be home to business on site though developers have mentioned some remaining on site.

Parking at the new tower has been a concern. Greenwich state there’s restrictions, though I note more vehicles are parking on paving outside Sainsbury’s. Enforcement has been poor to non-existent for years in the area with cars on pavement and blocking junctions, but not to worry as Greenwich have spent a few hundred on another wooden bollard. If at first you don’t succeed.

Lyndean with cranes behind

Back to the tower that’s now rising, and height is somewhat taller than neighbouring sites and the result of the plot being labelled an opportunity area suitable for tall buildings in previous Greenwich Council planning policy.

Lyndean redevelopment housing could see heights taper, thus the tower building will appear less out of place.

Towers in Abbey Wood are nothing new. The adjacent Abbey Wood post war estate also has a tower located beside shops on Eynsham Drive. The estate itself still appears as unloved by Greenwich Council as it ever did. Despite this new tower onFelixstowe Road and another approved new-build at Eynsham Drive bringing millions of pounds from developers to the authority, almost nothing has been allocated to improve the vast, apparently forgotten estate.

The centrepiece shopping parade is still forgotten. Neglect abounds.

Why Labour in Greenwich are content to ignore estates in the midst of incoming wealth remains a mystery.


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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

    2 thoughts on “Abbey Wood tower now rising

    • Parking is going to be a nightmare. RBG have been told about the parking on the public square outside Sainsbury’s but are doing nothing. Handy because now I know I can park there in a pinch! Why not? (Answer: because you’ve got to be a tosser to drive off the road, over a crossing and dump your car in front of a pedestrianised are in front of a supermarket.)

      Part of a wider pattern of neglect in Abbey Wood. RBG clearly care about nothing more than keeping Greenwich town pretty and developing the Royal Arsenal. Then again, given the pig’s ear they made of the traffic in Greenwich at the start of lockdown and their lack of interest in managing the traffic through Woolwich, Abbey Wood is probably better off without the council’s attention.

      Having said that, the towers will be a welcome addition to the area. I hope in time that it brings some new businesses (restaurants, cafes) to the area.

    • I grew up in the late 60s/ 70s in Felixstowe Road, Abbey Wood. I recognise none of this?? I remember my childhood fondly, I went to Boxgrove school. Spent hours in the woods or over Thamesmead with no fear at all. I also remember the houses in Abbey Wood ( estate or not) were always well kept and it was well maintained and clean. So sad to hear this is no longer the case. I will keep my memories so I can remember Abbey Wood that I knew!!!


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