Filming at Greenwich’s Old Naval College blocks cycle lane – how to solve ongoing problem?
Filming for another film production at the Old Naval College in Greenwich has seen the grounds closed again today.
This has once again blocked a major link between Cycle Highway 4 – which is being built from Tower Bridge to Greenwich to the west and a lane to the east. Plans to extend to Woolwich are hold, though a temporary lane is being built from Greenwich to Charlton. The connection between the two is via the Old Naval College and the University of Greenwich.

Closing the site for filming is a regular occurrence and one that brings in sizable income to the University. They won’t give that up without a fight. When closed cyclists are forced onto Romney Road. The riverside path is too narrow to use.

Closure of the grounds was a headache during lockdown too. Last year people were being told to cycle on the one hand, then meeting closed grounds for some months until a solution was found.

The University closing the grounds leaves us with regular severance of a major cycling lane project, or doing something about Trafalgar Road. That will be a political minefield. Maybe some boldness and moving the wall a couple of metres away from the road to create space for cyclists which could then meet a rebuilt town centre? The wall could be rebuilt exactly as it is slightly to the north. However trees in places present a challenge.

The other option is to remove the bus lane – as is happening at Creek Road to the west – but should we be hampering public transport users yet further? Removing Creek Road’s bus lane will delay buses by up to six minutes according to TfL’s own projections. The other option is a ban on private vehicles but again I cannot see politicians going for it.
There’s no easy answers, and for now it seems a major strategic route in future once cycle lanes complete will be at the mercy of the university’s regular closures.
Is it the University blocking the route and getting the money?? or the Foundation??
When will the Woolwich ferry cycle path open again?
Is the whole site closed or can what was the previous cycle route through the Uni still be used? (alongside the river but inside the grounds.) It would solve the problem if when filming, one side can still be open to bikes and pedestrians, either along river land-side of railings, or through the centre. Surely filming doesn’t need both at same time? Or instead of moving a historic boundary a metre or so, make one side of pavement for bikes going both directions but carefully, and the other side for pedestrians only in any direction. It’s never really that busy anyway?
That’s been closed and blocked off since the first lockdown. Its mad – instead of spreading people out, they closed in in the narrow central strip. Jobsworth mentality .
The University do not get the money from filming, the Greenwich Foundation get it.
Possibly soon (I haven’t been on the ferry for a while tho)
It’s bad for pedestrians too – they’re forced to divert either to the narrow river path, the narrow polluted path by the road, or a big detour via the park. The cycling gap is a significant issue as the college is often closed in the evening by the time people are coming home from work in the evening. It’s always going to be an issue unless they open 24 hours, or some land is given up by the college or museums.
Removing the bus lane would be a terrible idea.
My solution: remove the fence in front of the Queen’s House and Maritime Museum and run a cycle lane there.
Removing green space not ideal but it’s currently a waste of space in a tight spot.
Just to make sure you know this the next time you write a similar story which is less than factual. The university have no control over how the campus is used for filming. It is English Heritage and the Foundation that pockets the cash for filming. Our staff and students get equally disrupted with megaphone wielding directors barking orders at extras right outside our offices and class rooms.