Youtube channel begins!

After many photos and words over the past few years I’ve joined the zeitgeist (of around 2007) and set up a Youtube page.

I’ll warn you that the first three videos are pretty rubbish given they’ve been shakily recorded on a pretty old phone, but hopefully that will improve and who knows maybe I’ll even be able to do a bit of editing.

From Abbey Wood to Hollywood

The first three videos look at the dangerous and dismal conditions of a Woolwich estate, many new homes rising around Kidbrooke station and demolition of a college in Plumstead.

As Youtubers always bang on, click to view then like and subscribe.

My first ever comment states “You’re moving the camera so much it’s making me seasick” so I’m off to a flyer.

As a private renter living costs are very high and ads bring in relatively little to the site. I run it alone, and you can support me through Paypal with a one-off or monthly donation here

Another option is via Patreon with offers monthly payments by clicking here

Finally there's the Ko-fi option

Many thanks

There's also a Facebook page for the site here

J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

One thought on “Youtube channel begins!

  • Get yourself a cheap Gimbal John!


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