Sonic booms ruffles feathers across London
A loud boom at around 1:05pm this afternoon has caused many to wonder just what the hell it was that shook windows across a wide area.
It appears to be an RAF Typhoon jet as it travelled north of London above the Cambridge area. The jet is believed to be from RAF Coningsby and used for emergency interceptions. There are reports it is now escorting a Global Express plane owned by a company named “Rent-a-Jet” which changed course unexpectedly.
The boom has been reported across London and the south east of England.
No need to run to your garden bunker and crack open the canned goods just yet – well unless it was intercepting something pretty bad. Fingers crossed.
Image: “Typhoon RAF 29sq” by Rob Schleiffert is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
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I heard two booms. Apparently it was Basil Brush 😂