Gridlock in Greenwich and Charlton

There are miles of tailbacks across Greenwich and Charlton tonight.

Even by recent standards of high congestion, tonight’s traffic is bad. There are reports of people stuck in Charlton retail car parks unable to exit for hours.

Buses are also experiencing extremely long delays.

The A2 is backed up to a greater degree than normal towards Kent, with queues extending all the way to the tunnel from Falconwood.

There were delays earlier at Blackwall Tunnel then the Woolwich ferry shut due to a high tide.


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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

    13 thoughts on “Gridlock in Greenwich and Charlton

    • I left Sainsburys Charlton car park at 3pm, got home in Plumstead at 535pm!! Give a hand shake to the person who reduced the lanes into one car lane !! Please let me know which university he/ she went to !

    • River crossings being closed didn’t help but what is it with people driving two miles to the shops during Tier 3 and high risk of infection? Nuts. I’ve spoken to two people today who wanted to pop to Argos contributing to this. They could have gone online to shop or got a train or any other option like head east. So many muppets not thinking. Of course not ALL people are like this but so many are.

    • And the additional Silver Town tunnel two lanes would have also been blocked because of the location of today’s blockage. Going to be a horror on local roads, especially with the huge lorries that are going to be introduced. Why are local people not up oi arms? Why did/does the council totally support this, whereas our MP and other councils don’t?

    • The new bicycle lanes on Woolwich road do not help

      • ‘Course they do, no traffic if you cycle.

    • @Geoff… I agree with you, but the problem is trying to get a delivery slot. For example the Ocado slots are get booked-up within minutes of being ‘released’, leaving little choice than having to make a potentially avoidable trip.

    • While I empathise with car drivers, buses deserve to have bus lanes. Who has more right to a place on the road? A car with (maybe/but unlikely) four people in it, or a bus with sixty people in it?
      I rode the bus back fro Charlton to Woolwich the other day, and it was brilliant! While seamlessly travelling down the motorway, I observed that the reason for the backups in the car lane were caused BY THE CARS, or more clearly the drivers of those cars! Many were driving along at a prohibitive speed for traffic to flow well! Where do some of these fools get their driver’s licenses?! Yet, car drivers want buses to have to share lanes with the same Tools, I think not!

      • Good to see a greatest hits of absurd proposals for reducing congestion, blame cycling, blame buses…. We need much more and better cycling infrastructure to get people out of cars.

        Would be nice if we could organise a no car day except for blue badges and trade as suggested above.

        • Those driving will rarely blame themselves for the traffic, it must someone / something else’s fault. It is much easier to lay blame and fault elsewhere than to change your views and habits.

    • We could have much less congestion and the buses would be much quicker if we removed all the cars used by people without a blue badge.

      No other solution exists for this problem.

    • Aman – Sainsbury’s Charlton to Plumstead you could do in less than 30 mins with a cycle with panniers or a cargobike – much of the route is segregated too. All these people doing short journeys by car are the problem, adding to both pollution & congestion. Those who are able to should try leaving the car at home and leaving the streets for those who really need to use motor vehicles….

    • It was shocking big heavy traffic there was no space for public transport plus people lost lot of fuel and stuck for 3 hours

    • The roads through this part of South East London were not built for this volume of traffic. The population of the borough of Greenwich has increased 32.4% since 2001. That’s a lot of housing and minimal improvement in infrastructure. With London’s population rapidly approaching nine million, this is our future.


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