Knife fight sees two injured in Woolwich Royal Arsenal site

Police arrested six people after two were knifed during a mass fight yesterday in Woolwich.

For the second day in succession the area saw large numbers of emergency services descend.

The fight was centred around Duke of Wellington Avenue on the Arsenal site. The previous day’s events occurred just over on Beresford Square as a crowd formed after an arrest.

Of the two injuries yesterday, one man suffered light injuries and the other is hospitalised.

Anyone with information can call 101 or tweet Police at @MetCC and quote CAD5341/27June.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

8 thoughts on “Knife fight sees two injured in Woolwich Royal Arsenal site

  • Well, the trash has blown over into the Arsenal Site, but then did we expect it take so long?

      • Calling them trash is being polite!
        You seem to be more offended by them being called trash then them knifing people?

  • Sadly the Royal Arsenal development in Woolwich as seen violence on it’s streets before. Not that long back residents on the development were subjected to muggings by groups on mopeds riding around the area.

    Tougher action needs to be taken against anti social behaviour in the area.

    I hope the victims make a full and speedy recovery.

  • The area now would need constant police surveillance. One can often see ASB acts carried out by young people with no sense in their heads.There are dealers cycling past playing music indicating what they are offering, alcohol drinking and pot smoking in public by the benches on Malborough Road and muggers lurking in the back waiting for a distraction to come and snatch your mobile phone. More police presence is needed..!!!

    • I agree Craig I think Woolwich as a whole now needs mor eof a police presence.

      Anti social behaviour in the area is increasingand getting out of hand.

  • I agree Craig Kenny and Graham. Woolwich does need more of a Police presence as does the whole of London !!!. .

  • Anti social behaviour is getting worse in the Woolwich area and around the Borough. More must be done to tackle anti social behaviour which is unacceptable and cannot be tolerated.

    I have seen an increase in anti social behaviour again over the last couple of weeks which will only get worse as lockdown eases.


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