Revised plan for new Woolwich homes

Developers behind plans for new homes on Sandy Hill Road have revised the design after poor feedback when proposed last year.


New plan – single large window at first floor level

Plans were submitted in July 2019 and involved the demolition of four existing homes which have been allowed to fall into disrepair.

Former plan

The new plan seems worse than the old. Existing buildings will still be demolished rather than renovated and the corner treatment is poor. What’s with large areas of mainly blank frontage with very small windows punctuating the facade?

New plan

The former plan addressed the prominent street corner better too.

As I covered last year, this part of Woolwich has a fair bit of character though some building owners have neglected properties and public realm management is poor. Pavement clutter hampers pedestrians.

Courtesy Google. Building in poor condition. No entry sign location on pavement obstructs wheelchairs and buggies opposite a school

Street clutter just over the road from planned flats are a good example of having *no* clue about basic design. It’s an ugly ensemble of various materials and colours none of which combine well or follow standard design practice. Not that all things should be homogenised but this is the other extreme. It’s a couldn’t care less approach. Some obstructs pedestrians.


It’s actually cost money here to achieve so little, benefit few yet manage to drag an area down through ugliness. It’s an authority saying to some of its poorer inhabitants that you’re not worthy of attention or respect.  There’s no trees or raised planters and such a slapdash attitude to street furniture wouldn’t happen in certain wealthier areas of the borough such as central Greenwich.

Money from this development could improve it but then money from large developments in numerous parts of Woolwich havn’t done so – and as stated, it’s not as if money isn’t spent, but is spent in ways that do little to help the area.



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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

    4 thoughts on “Revised plan for new Woolwich homes

    • Sandy Hill Road, that takes me back. I remember when the routemaster 53 used to go bombing down the hill and you had to hold on for dear life to prevent being spun off the platform as the bus rocketed pass what is now the Crescent Hill/Frederick Place roundabout.

      I must go back to see how’s it changed, or not.

    • It is a shame the older homes are to be demolished and not renovated with new roofs, energy efficient double glazing and heating systems. Also brought up to mordern standards in the inside with modern kitchens and bathrooms. While keeping much of the character as possible.

      So people can still buy houses as people still like to purchase character homes.

    • Pingback: Revised plans for Woolwich homes submitted for approval | Murky Depths

    • Until fairly recently this site was owned by Sandy Hill Developments Limited (, a director of which is convicted money launderer Howard Prosser (

      Lita Homes subsequently bought the site (presumably once certain planning hurdles had been cleared) and are now proceeding with the development. It smells ever so fishy. How Prosser has slipped under the radar is quite shocking.

      Sadly, the cottages have become a real eyesore in the area and any hopes of them gaining protected status have surely evaporated. Lita Homes will not sell up as the project stands to make it a tidy profit. So, on that basis, I’d rather they just got on with it. Sandy Hill Road could look so pretty if more of its residents actually cared and made an effort to keep their homes tidy (on the outside at least).


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