Greenwich Pocket Park and Low Emission area work underway
Work is progressing on a new Pocket Park near Waitrose in Greenwich as part of the Low Emission Neighbourhood scheme.
The area was already green space though not the most interesting space:

Consultation undertaken last year presented a number of renders of how the scheme is likely to end up.

The idea of being a place to sit, relax and play is slightly tempered by the fact it’s in an area of high traffic:

It’s also beside a junction which is straight out of a 1970s design book:

While the junction’s design could be excused as a 30-year old relic of antiquated design thinking, it was actually installed like this after Waitrose and New Capital Quay housing completed this decade.

Part of the junction will be altered under upcoming Cycle Superhighway 4 work with pedestrian crossings installed. Believe it or not, despite being relatively new some arms of the junction to the west lack green signals for pedestrians. Money will be spent rectifying that just a few years after installation.
Estates, again
The area is almost completely surrounded by new builds – that is except for an estate. One I’ve covered many a time as in places it’s been crumbling away. Literally. It took residents years to get cracks and falling brick work in public spaces attended to.

Whilst having an upgraded space is welcome to residents, given it was already green (though could have done with some new planting and trees) why not spend money on the estate itself?

Unlike the pocket park site which was already accessible greenery, the estate has areas which are in effect dead space:

The raised greenery is not used for obvious reasons. It’s not accessible. Why not bring it down to ground level and add trees, playing equipment, wild plants, or even a stall selling coffee for the many new residents in new builds walking past here to Cutty Sark DLR station?

Anyway, the pocket park seems nice enough and any sort of public realm investment is to be welcomed. The same Low Emission Neighbourhood scheme has also improved Trafalgar Road – though not without a few hiccups. I took at look at work there earlier this year.

Ultimately though, to think the Low Emission Neighbourhood project will do much about overall congestion and emissions seems a bit fanciful, particularly as Silvertown Tunnel will see drivers head through central Greenwich to reach Rotherhithe Tunnel and avoid tolls at Blackwall and Silvertown.
And as I keep banging on, why are estates ignored in the midst of incoming wealth?
I’m running a Christmas appeal for the site. Click here to become a Patron or here to donate via Paypal. Thanks
but…. that render at the top shows almost all the green bits removed and replaced with gravel? And they call it a park?
The grass isn’t great, but at least it’s green.
So much more needs to be done to improve the Borough.
Implement strategic plans to invest in our outdated neglected Public Realm. Also, as pictured above our estates need a radical makeover and make use of our neglected green space.
Create Pedestrian friendly areas, declutter wasteful expensive bollards, safety rails, and weirdly positioned posts. Landscape and replace paving and resurface roads.
Utilise S106/CIL and TFL funds to Maximise the outlook for residents and visitors of this Royal Borough.
Rather apt considering the post pertains to a rather careworn patch of grass.
I agree Ashley. But i understand the leader of the Labour Group on Greenwich Council Danny Thorpe as hit out at critics of public realm spending. As reported by Daryl on the 853 website.
As it is public money people have a right to know where money is being spent and for what purpose the money was originally provided by developers to the Council for.
Speaking as someone who is an actual resident of Greenwich, and one who has dealt with issues related to allocation of S106/CIL funding where I live, I quite concur with Murky’s viewpoint on this.
There needs to be more transparency on this from RBG’s side, yet that transparency should also apply to Tory activists, such as Ashley above, who are only interested in disseminating propaganda whilst posing as ‘concerned residents’.
EthicsGradient – You must be delusional has they come! Just like the Greenwich Labour Councillors, All mouth and no commitment to bettering the Royal Borough.
We are concerned residents and we believe in a better wellbeing and public Realm. Yes we do have a right to know where these essential funds are being spent.
So much could be done, but your Party have been in power almost 5 decades! So its Labour failings, lack of leadership and priorities.
It’s a sorry state of affairs, a Royal Borough with High levels of incompetence by this outdated Labour administration. Greenwich is Long overdue a change of governance, PARTY and leadership.
I think your ‘concerned resident’ mask just fell off …
I am too a Greenwich resident and have lived in Greenwich all my life and for more years than i care to admit. So i am very concerned about what happens in Greenwich and how money is spent by the Council.
CDT: Indeed, I can see that in terms of your previous posts going back years. If you look at mine, you’ll find I’m often very critical of RBG when there were bad decisions.
Best wishes.
Ashley: It’s very easy to see exactly who you are.
Love how you use the CAPITALS there, as if you were SHOUTING at us.
Thank you a concerned Resident
CDT only copies and pasting other’s their comments then pretend it is his own view
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