Southeastern franchise operator Go-Ahead’s shares rocket after Conservative win
The operator of the Southeastern rail franchise has seen share prices up by 12 per cent today after Conservative victory at the election.
Go-Ahead operate the franchise alongside Keolis, which is majority owned by French national rail company SNCF.

The current short term extension to the franchise is due to end in April 2020, though recent rumours suggest yet another two year extension until April 2022. There have been a number of short term extensions since 2014 which has blocked long-term investment in areas such as new trains and additional station staffing.
Go-Ahead operate Thameslink aside from Southeastern and Boris Johnson was in favour of devolving Southeastern Metro services to TfL when Mayor. Whether that policy returns remains to be seen.
Yep, its franchise is safe since the government won’t intervene to alleviate the misery of the travelling public. Expect many of the promises Johnson made to quietly die as people continue to be fixated on Brexit.
Ah Brexit. I suspect it will be with us for many more years and leave the government poorer. I don’t doubt Johnson’s sincerity at all, though his ability to deliver will be stymied by the handouts that corporations will be awarding themselves. If any price can be increased or cost passed on in the name of Brexit it will be. I suspect a rather large rail fares hike will be imminent on the back of this.
I cannot see anything happening in relation to transferring South Eastern Services until after next years Mayoral Election result is known.
To be totally honest Sadiq Khan the current Mayor of London as done nothing to improve London’s public transport system. Crossrail Elizabeth Line delayed delayed and delayed again. Cuts to bus service to Central London years two years ahead of Crossrail Elizabeth Line opening. Leaving many with a out a local bus route to Central London.
We have seem him spend 20 million spent on two new Woolwich Ferries which was plagued with faults ans are still now more often than not are only providing a one ferry service causing long delays in Woolwich and across the river at North Woolwich to board the ferries.
Silvertown Tunnel with the extra traffic and pollution that will bring to South East London and East London. Including a rise in number of people developing asthma COPD and respiratory diseases being admitted to Hospital.
So we all have a lot of serious thinking to do by next years London Mayoral Elections which I believe are in May 2020,
However, we must all remember that the public purse is not a bottomless pit and sometimes hard decisions have to be made which may offend some.
Your comment fails to take into account that the bulk of those issues are a legacy of Johnson’s mayoralty and funding agreed between Osbourne and Johnson whilst one was Chancellor and the other Mayor.
Sadiq’s issue is more to do with transparency and just being open with the public around issues such as delays to Crossrail and the screw up of the Woolwich Crossing, which to be honest should be closed once Silvertown is in place and Silvertown’s pollution issues should be controlled via other means, which essentially means expanding the congestion zone / etc. Which is what’s happening soon… via the Low Emissions Zone which people fail to take into account.
London seemed so better under Boris for 8 years. Those were the days my friend.
That’s due to the funding tap being turned on and the London austerity drive only properly kicked in when Sadiq got in in terms of the GLA. That coincided with Local Government funding for Borough’s being turned off over time. So nobody can deliver the ‘fun times’ anymore… the only way Johnson can as PM is by borrowing and borrowing… oh wait that’s precisely the thing he told people shouldn’t be done…
Totally agree CDT. Labour as failed London
As Jack points out, the Tories have cut central government funding for London councils by over half since they got in. Do you think that, rather than Labour, may have something to do with it?
I suppose you also think the mass closures of police stations and mass reductions in police officers is a good idea?
why am I not surprised that it HAD TO BE YOU to make such comment
No I do not Chris. But I work in the Public Sector and pay my taxes. I see huge waste of public money on a daily basis and our systems being abused not least by fraud and illegal sub letting of social housing etc all of which cost the tax payer Local Authorities and the Government money. Taking public money away from out most vulnerable members of our society.
I would like to see more police officers and a lot more stop and search made permanent. Which if you have read any of my other postings I have mentioned time and time again. Why certain people are doing their upmost to try stop – stop and search from taking place knife crime and gang related crime on our streets continues to get worse.
I am all for seeing more money given to Councils but to be spent on front line services for the elderly disabled and children and to pay the staff on the front line who are actually out and about doing the job., Rather than paying huge pay packets to top executives earning £100.00 year on some Local Authorities but not necessarily on Greenwich Council to be fair.
You can blame the Tories for cutting police numbers and Teresa May when she was home secretary for doing away with ‘stop and search’.
£100,000 a year to top executives i meant to type – sorry for the typo.
Great to see here that at least two members of local Conservative Association have assimilated their party’s ‘Post-Truth’ approach to public debate.