B&M are to open new store beside Aldi in Kidbrooke

Aldi opened their new store in Kidbrooke today on the former site of Homebase.

The former store has been renovated and partially rebuilt, with the site converted into two retail units. The second unit will become a B&M.

B&M lack a large presence in much of south east London with branches in Charlton and Catford.

Charlton branch seen through the trees

For those unaware of the group, it’s sort of like Wilkos and underwent rapid growth in the 2010s, with 25 times as many stores in 2016 compared to 2008. It now has more than 600 branches.

As I wrote when covering the Aldi sotre, around 6,000 homes will be built in the near vicinity though the quickest walk from most new homes to shops lacks a pedestrian crossing.

Shops are behind where photo taken. Lack of formal crossings despite increase in homes and new shops. Dingy underpess is to left

The store will open in 2020. I’ll keep an eye on Greenwich planning portal and the companies website when a date is confirmed.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

One thought on “B&M are to open new store beside Aldi in Kidbrooke

  • It will be good to see the retail unit next to Aldi occupied. As stated B&M do not have much of a presence in South East London with only two stores. So I am sure the new branch of B&M will be very much welcomed.

    However, I have to agree with Murky getting from the new homes on KIdbrooke Village to Aldi’s and the new new B&M Store when it opens involves crossing a very busy road.

    Improvements to pedestrian crossings at this very busy junction are urgently required as a lot of people also cross here for Kidbrooke Station.


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