Another Greenwich housing block now underway

Work is proceeding on a new block of flats at the junction of Norman Road and Greenwich High Road.

Piling is complete in places with a concrete floor in place. Expect to see it rising shortly.

Planned block

This block replaces a post-war office block that bit the dust earlier this year.

Shortly before demolition begun

It’s opposite the North Pole pub and close to a Thames Tideway worksite. I thought these roadworks were to improve the streets for new residents but it appears to enable easier access for Thames Tideway construction vehicles:

Roadworks alongside site

Norman Road is already closed due to tunnel works which has also seen the Ha’Penny Hatch reduced in width.

Looking down Norman Road towards site of new flats. Road closed immediately behind this point

There will be 63 flats in a block topping out at 12 floors.

Render of completed scheme

Of 63 flats, just one is social housing.

Crumbling brickwork at nearby estate

As for Section 106 income, £63,000 is going towards GLLaB. Nothing is allocated to improve the local area which includes the crumbling (literally) Thornham Street estate at the other end of Norman Road.

Nearby estate

There’s another block underway on Greenwich High Road but for the life of me I’m struggling to know what it is. I don’t think I’ve ever covered it and searching Greenwich’s Planning Portal draws a blank.

Block on right

Anyone know?

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Many thanks

J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

    13 thoughts on “Another Greenwich housing block now underway

    • Greenwich Councils reluctance to spend S106/CIL funds on the basics of our Realm is appalling. Where is all this money going? Isn’t it about time wasteful projects and failed upstarts Such as GLLAB, GSS and GPS be scrapped or sold off?

      The Realm is in dire need of investment, Poor outdated design and lack of maintenance as left this in disrepair.

      For too long this shameful administration blames others for their diabolical actions and neglect.

      REAL investment and CHANGE is needed for the residents and visitors of this Borough.

      We do need to build on the maintainability of the Realm, Estates and public safety for the future of this Royal Borough.

      • That’s rather nice. Good to see it includes includes a retail unit; Greenwich High Road is lacking in them. I wonder if it will ever ‘turn up’ or just get edited out in the planning stages …

    • BTW. Something not noted above is that this is a private development; it’s nothing to do with Greenwich Council. Hence why there’s only the minimum number of social-housing or ‘affordable’ units they can get away with …

      Applicant: Mr J Fancourt Purelake New Homes Ltd”

    • Well said Ashley. Your spot on with comments. I could not agree with you more. Greenwich Council needs to be more transparent and answerable to the public.

      • Cheers Graham. I totally agree with your comments.
        As always!

        We should have more meaningful conversations. Between the resident and council especially with concerns to your local area.

        It’s Just pointing out the facts! But it’s a shame individuals think it’s right to repeat the same old crap about which “party you may support” lol and posts you apparently repost. Get a life!

        Royal Greenwich could be one of the best London Boroughs.

        Providing it was well managed, invested and could generate revenues. I.e. from illegal parking, vehicle abandonment etc. Instead of wasteful upstarts.

    • Despite the fact he’s just a member of Greenwich Conservative Association repeatedly posting the same piece of text on every post …

    • I am not a member of the Conservative Association neither am I member of any political Party thank you very much EthicsGradient.

      However I do stand up for what I believe in and the area I have lived in all of my life.

      My name is Graham Justine so please get your facts rights.

    • I just believe in what’s right! So stick your point scoring EthicsGradient. get a life!


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