Greenwich Post Office demolition and rebuild planned

Plans have been submitted to demolish Greenwich Post Office with a new development on site.

Three commercial units and nine flats are proposed alongside a replacement pharmacy.

New build

The new structure is three-four storeys and similar heights to neighbouring buildings. No loss of Post Office services are planned, with the Design and Access Statement claiming:

If permission were granted there will be no loss of post office services during the demolition and construction periods according to applicants.

The application states: “There are a number of options on how this could be achieved Prior to closing the existing office – temporary offices could be constructed at the rear of the application site or in the carpark of the neighbouring shopping centre.

Details could be secured as a pre commencement planning condition.”

The current building is a utilitarian design from the 1960s. It’s quite wasteful with no housing and sits below the street’s building line.

Paving space

One downside with the new proposal is a reduction in paving space at the front in an area of very heavy footfall.

The plan would improve Straightmouth alley which runs beside the site offering a short cut across the railway line. Instead of a blank wall at present, parts will be opened up.

The new Post Office would be 76 square metres.

Click here to view and comment upon plans.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

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