Plans in for further 526 homes in Kidbrooke

Berkeley Homes have submitted plans for a further 526 homes in Kidbrooke.

The latest application is an increase of 144 compared to the outline plan previously agreed.

Outline of plot in green

Kidbrooke Village masterplan comprises six phase sin total with this application focused on Phase 5 Buildings A & B.

Buildings will line Kidbrooke Park Road on what has been greenery, which has aroused some criticism. However this space has long been designated as housing dating back to 2009.

Site proposals from 2009 and 2012

Images within the application’s Design and Access Statement show aerial views including nearby developments including TfL’s joint venture north of the railway line and Greenwich Council’s projects.

Kidbrooke Village to left of railway line.

2015 plan

Back in 2015 approval was given for five buildings between 10 to 12 storeys comprising 382 homes.

Revisions have seen heights increase. Buildings will now see variation in height compared to a uniform level of blocks previously seen.

Blocks will vary in height

The development is car-free except for disabled bays. There’s more than 700 cycle spaces proposed.

TfL have recently consulted on bus changes through the Kidbrooke Village site with results expected soon.

Buses will divert to run through square beside station

The application can be viewed here.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

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