Gun found at latest Southeastern station police operation
Police conducting the latest weapons search at a Southeastern station discovered a man with a loaded firearm on Friday.
According to police:

“On Sunday 24th of November officers deployed undercover at Hither Green Station, conducted a Stop and Search on a male who was suspected of trying to evade walking through the weapon screening arch which had been set up. The male was found to be in possession of a loaded firearm. This male was arrested and is currently in custody at a South East London Police Station.”
A 30 year man from Orpington was also arrested for possession of a knife.
A man was jailed last week after he was found with a knife in a similar operation at Belvedere station.Checks have also occurred at Abbey Wood, Plumstead and Woolwich Arsenal.
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Why any citizen wants to carry a gun is beyond me but the fact he’s either dumb/brazen enough to go through a police metal-detector with it? Definitely glad he’s off the streets
I read elsewhere that he was intercepted by undercover police. He actually tried to avoid going throught the gate which raised their suspicion and they stop & searched him.
Well done to the Met Police Officers on stopping and searching this man who tried to evade going through the weapon screening arch while carrying a loaded firearm. This man was obviously up to no good. So hopefully he will now be off our streets for a very long time. to come.
I might sound harsh but we need to do everything in our power to stop this terrible incidents and loss of young lives from happening.
Get out of your gangs get your education and go on to obtain good jobs and good standard of living for yourselves. You have your own minds for god sake use them. Do not be bullied in to things by others who do not care about you or what happens to you.
I think that’s the problem Graham, using your own minds. This is an age where anticipation has been replaced by immediate, instant satisfaction. You would get a dopamine reward finishing a particularly gruelling physical task such as a day’s labour. As society became less agrarian less industrial the response shifted to pleasure derived from things such as the new VCR that we’d saved for or making the last mortgage payment.
The body’s dopamine response – the chemical pleasure sensation used as a reward – is now triggered so frequently that people become addicted to fast, tiny hits of gratification. Look at in-app purchases in free mobile games or adverts along the lines of “Instant prosecco? Win”. The thrill of the new album we’d been waiting for is replaced by libraries of thousands of songs. The steady overload of reward eventually burns out the small feelings of reward as we became addicted and eventually immune to the sensation. Its as damaging and widespread as diabetes is to the population at large.
We’re in an age where we celebrate machines thinking for themselves but are suspicious of humans who do likewise. Having the power to resist your child’s pleas for an xbox or iTunes account is the first step in freeing their minds from a world messing with their body’s chemistry to sell them something.
Yes you are spot on Charles. I could not have put that better myself. We need more people with your mind set in our political system and in our schools etc.
On a slightly separate note those that resist stop and search some of which are high profile people sitting as MP’s and in the House Of Lords amongst others are doing absolutely nothing to help fight the increase in gang related violent crime and the fight to get knives and guns off the streets of London and the UK to make them save again.
Hence why I said we need more people with your mind set in our political systems and schools to get the messages across to our young people out there.
To make them safe again. Sorry for my typo.
Well said Graham and Charles. Our youngsters safety and all our safety must be paramount.
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