McDonalds found to lack permission for 24/7 opening at Eltham Yorkshire Grey branch
McDonalds have submitted an application to open their Yorkshire Grey branch throughout the week 24/7.
They already have done for over a year but it turns out they lacked the necessary permission according to plans. An application states:
“This application seeks retrospective planning permission to remove Condition 1 of Planning Permission 17/3757/MA to enable the McDonald’s Restaurant to trade 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Following the grant of the 2018 Permission, the restaurant has been mistakenly trading 24 hours a day, seven days a week, as a result of restaurant management misinterpreting what was permitted pursuant to the 2018 Permission.
The misunderstanding has only recently been discovered due to the ownership of the restaurant being transferred to a new Franchisee, and therefore planning permission is being sought to rectify the mistake and bring the restaurant into line with planning control.”
The application also states: “As no disturbance, complaints or adverse impacts have been caused or reported since the beginning of the 24 hour operation, there are no reasons why the development cannot now be approved.”
This isn’t the only recent case of a large organisation operating without operating without permission. Major transport group Go-Ahead (part owners of Southeastern) have been using a site in Greenwich for a bus garage without permission since 2017.
Click here to see details of the application.
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The Morden Wharf site has NOT been operating without permission.
All planning was in place for the opening in 2017. The only change now is the landlord wishes to change the original plans to allow for a road across the garage forecourt due to another company having moved into the land next to the garage.
That’s not what the planning application states
Then the planning application is incorrect.
If planning permission had not been approved, the DVSA would not have given Go Ahead a license to use it as a garage.
“On behalf of our client, Greenwitch Limited, we are pleased to submit a planning application for the temporary change of use and external alterations to the Northern Warehouse, Morden Wharf Road, SE10 0PA.
The application aims to regularise Go-Ahead’s continued use of the site as a bus garage (Sui Generis). It seeks planning permission for:
“Retrospective change of use of the Northern Warehouse to a Bus Garage (Sui eneris) for the purposes of bus garaging, maintenance parking, fuelling and washing, including all ancillary requirements for a temporary period of ten years, together with minor external alterations”
Go-Ahead is the largest operator of bus services in London, running around a quarter of London’s buses. This application seeks to regularise Go-Ahead’s use of the site through the temporary change of use of the building from B2 to a bus garage (Sui Generis), together with associated minor external alterations.”
It’s pretty clear that Go-Ahead are operating a bus garage without benefiting from planning permission. I suspect DVSA don’t really get involved in whether or not the building has planning permission….