Tory London Mayoral candidate calls for all police leave to be cancelled

Tory Mayoral candidate Shaun Bailey has today called for all police leave to be cancelled in London after four murders in recent days.

The appeal has gone down like a bucket of cold sick among many police officers who have regularly seen leave cancelled as rising crime comes up against three thousands fewer offers since 2010.

The population in London has also risen by around a million since then. The number of police officers in London has fallen by almost 25% with 4.1 per thousand Londoners in 2010 reducing to 3.3 per thousand this year.

Morale is reported to be low in the Met with many experienced officers leaving. Cancelling even more leave days (with the impact on family life) could be the straw that breaks the camels back.

If this is Shaun Bailey’s big idea on policing it appears he won’t win over rank and file officers.

Helicopter landing in Plumstead Gardens attending to shooting victim

Since 2010 police numbers in London have fallen from 33,000 to less than 30,000 as the force has seen cuts totaling £1 billion from central Government.

Around 75% of police funding comes from central Government. Last year they announced additional funding for the Met but forced the Mayor to raise funds to do so via a 9 per cent increase on the council tax precept. Even with that rise, numbers are not expected to increase anywhere near to 2010 levels even with the population rising by 100k a year.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

One thought on “Tory London Mayoral candidate calls for all police leave to be cancelled

  • What a dumb idea for easy headlines. It may have an impact for a couple of weeks but long term will make things so much worse as officers head to the exit (or move to other counties outside London).


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