Here’s another tower proposal in Greenwich: 26 floors at Ravernsbourne Wharf
Yet another plan for a new tower in Greenwich has been submitted this week. This will be one of the tallest in the area if approved at 26 floors in height providing 111 flats.
And it’s not a box! The tower is reminiscent of the “50p tower” in Croydon (formerly the NLA tower and now called No.1 Croydon) and a new high rise at Canary Wharf’s Wood Wharf. ”

It’s a welcome change from the many, many boxy new builds now lining the Creek.
The public interior spaces look very good with extensive use of timber and at a three-floor tall atrium – which includes a public cafe:

In consultation the public asked for better public realm in the area and the Creekside path will be extended – though previous sections built alongside new builds are always closed when passing. Whether improvements creep over the road to Haddo estate is another matter.

Haddo Estate has missed out on income for public space improvements from numerous local new developments:

Greenwich Council will receive £70 per square metre in Community Infrastructure Levy income plus Section 106 and New Homes Bonus monies (and council tax revenue) from the tower if approved. A sizable payday in the millions though exact figures will only be known later.

To the south of the proposed tower is an eight storey block built around five years ago.
The site is slap bang in the middle of the image below between that block and the Wharf:
Brewery Wharf (seen on left above) is a safeguarded wharf used for aggregate handling which is still in use.
This could make approval very tricky for this proposal.
Many new homes
The area has been designated an “Opportunity Area” by Greenwich Council with a target of 5,000 new homes around the Creek and Greenwich riverside by 2031. Developers intend for the block to be a build-to-rent scheme.
The viability assessment puts “affordable” housing numbers at 26% and is London Living rent typically at 66% of market rates – and even then only for 15 years.
Tenants will be expected to use Southeastern trains from Greenwich or Cutty Sark DLR. The Lewisham branch of the DLR is seeing ever increasing pressure from new builds in Lewisham, around the Greenwich area then up to Canary Wharf. No new DLR trains are now expected on the branch until 2023.
Network Rail plan no extra capacity on the Greenwich line in terms of new carriages as Crossrail is expected to lessen numbers travelling from Abbey Wood and Woolwich.
I spent a fair while trawling documents and taking/finding pics for this post. If you value local news please consider supporting the site – either through Ko-Fi here or become a Patron here.
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