More shops at Woolwich’s Royal Arsenal site to be decided tomorrow

Plans for new shops and commercial spaceat Woolwich’s Royal Arsenal site will be decided tomorrow by Greenwich Council.

Developers are seeking permission to revise earlier plans and extend the amount of space within Building 10 located near to the forthcoming Elizabeth Line station. A new mezzanine level is proposed alongside opening up one end of the building and creating a colonnade.

Earlier plans controversially gave permission to build housing on one side above the listed building which formerly housed a market. 121 flats are included.

Those housing plans are not changed  under this scheme. Some local people complained the height of the block built above greatly harmed natural light into adjoining buildings to the north.

Whilst most new builds on the site have long been contained within a masterplan – this block had not.

It was proposed after Berkeley Home’s backed away from demolishing a listed building next door – named Building 11 or the Officer’s House – after this website revealed plans. A taxi rank was planned instead:

Scrapped plans

Instead the building will be renovated:

Current plans to refurbish Building 11 after demolition scrapped

Building 11 will also provide commercial space at ground floor level and new homes above.

1970s shot from English Heritage of Building 11

Berkeley argued the costs of conversion was high and so required a block to be built above Building 10.

All Section 106 income from Berkeley Homes to Greenwich Council from revised plans is going, where else, to GLLaB again. No improved parks, estates or much else in the more deprived parts of Woolwich once again.

Click here to read the report at tomorrows meeting.

I’ve covered and broken stories about the Arsenal site for a few years now. If you enjoy coverage please support the site. Thanks to all who helped with the festive appeal. If you can help there’s two ways – a one-off donation here or become a patron here


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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

8 thoughts on “More shops at Woolwich’s Royal Arsenal site to be decided tomorrow

  • how many empty units in Woolwich town centre?

  • GLLaB is a worthy recipient of any funding as it gets a lot of residents into regular employment through training and negotiations with big local employers

    • It’s not that it isn’t worthy (though that’s debatable with numerous accounts of bad practice) but the sheer extent of income it receives to the detriment of others. Figures show vastly more going to it than to health, education, parks, public realm and other areas. A fairer balance is needed.

      As seen previously it barely advertises any jobs, those it has are sometimes zero hour and it holds events in some of the least accessible places to many people (hotel by the o2). Users have filled my inbox with bad practice.

      All while town centres struggle, street design puts people off walking and cycling, some parks are a mess and a rising population needs better health and education.

  • Does Will work for Greenwich Council by any chance?

    • Just what I was wondering?

  • What was the outcome in the end?

  • I am sorry but money for GLLAB should not be taken away from housing projects, health, education, public realm, transport improvements and other essential services provided by the Royal Borough of Greenwich. GLLAB need to work harder to stay in their budget like other Council Departments are made to do each year.

  • Pingback: Aerial photos of Woolwich Crossrail station | Murky Depths

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