30 floor Deptford tower and Laban centre expansion plan submitted

A long standing tower proposal in Deptford has finally been submitted to Lewisham Council. Creekside Village East is the name, and is yet another along Deptford Creek if you hadn’t guessed. 393 flats are planned in towers reaching 26 and 30 floors – comfortably the tallest on the creek.

The site is directly beside the Laban Centre as well as the borough boundary with Greenwich. The tower below from Essential Living is in Greenwich and will be directly alongside at is 22 floors:

Essential Living’s tower

Here is the new tower beside its neighbour:

So-called “affordable homes” are set at just 10%. A very poor level and it’s hard to believe it will gain approval from Lewisham Council or the Mayor at such a level.

Is 10% is the best they can do at a high density development at a former industrial site in Deptford? It was formally a manure works for Gods sake! They’ve lived up to the past and gone beyond taking the piss.

Design wise it’s all a bit a bit dull and a downgrade from this initial effort which would break up the box frenzy in the area:

Alas, it was not to be. Orthodoxy reigns. Tacked on balconies? Check. Boxy appearance? Check. Though some detailing is a bit better than the norm. I like the undulating effect:

Trinity Laban

The Laban Centre gains space for expansion. A low rise concrete building will include an “auditorium for approximately 150 people, 3 rehearsal studios, 4 dance studios and ancillary functions such as offices and workshops”.

All a but grey?

The exteriors feature extensive use of grey to replicate stone in the creek apparently. Not sure that’s the best – pretty dreary to see a grey sky, a grey creek and grey towers adding to it.

To be fair, one tower has lighter coloured panels (as seen above).

A total of 77 car parking spaces are planned including 41 disabled parking spaces for residents and 36 to Trinity Laban use, of which four are disabled spaces.

No bridge

The Creek has long had plans for high density homes around it, and because of that another bridge was envisaged between Creek Road and Ha’Penny Hatch. No sign whatsoever on these plans, and if it isn’t here then it isn’t happening.

Developments nearby

Many developments are in the immediate vicinity including the aforementioned Essential Living tower which is expected to complete in coming months and provides 249 flats.

Kent Wharf is another nearing completion. The development provides 143 new

Right next to the Kent Wharf, a scoping opinion for the
redevelopment of Sun Wharf has been submitted with 230 homes expected.

Saxon Wharf will see 145 homes on the Greenwich side of the Creek.

The Planning Reference of Laban and adjacent tower is DC/18/108548.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

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