Banks to close in Woolwich, Bexleyheath and Eltham
Halifax have announced the closure of bank branches in Woolwich, Bexleyheath and Eltham.
As part of 136 sites within Lloyds Banking Group shutting nationwide, three town centres in south east London will lose dedicated branches.
Lloyds state customers can use Post Office branches, though given how busy many are that’s of limited use. In addition Woolwich Post Office is located within WH Smith which recently announced closure.
Lloyds banking group also announced recently they would merge their public-facing locations so customers could use other locations. Halifax and Lloyds are pretty much one and the same.
In Woolwich Halifax occupy a branch on Powis Street while in Eltham it’s on the High Street. In recent years a number of plans have been submitted to extend the building.

Closures and job losses with banks today follows a number of High Street chains announcing similar downsizing. Tesco have announced 400 job losses today while Sainsbury’s revealed 3,000 last week. It’s reported that the Quiz clothing chain may go under soon.
WH Smith are looking to sell what remains of their High Street business – which is a separate concern to their Woolwich branch already down to close regardless.
‘… customers can use Post Office branches …’ such as the one embedded in WHSmith’s, Lewisham shopping Centre store that only ever has TWO counters open and is sometimes closed on a Saturday? Banks deliberately reduced the counter services and pushed customers to go online where nothing works properly.
Absolutely anonymous201486. Banks have deliberately forced claimants to go online. Which is more open to fraud and where online banking services do not always work properly. It can take an hour or more to get through to your bank on the phone. Why repeatedly told to access online banking.
Many post offices have long queues as like banks they have seen several post office branches closed.
We need more bank branches not fewer. Many people are not able to use online banking for a variety of reasons.