Build to Rent landlord Aitch issues mass eviction notice in Deptford
A company behind a Build to Rent development in Deptford has issued an eviction notice to all residents a short while before Christmas.
Aitch Group which uses the Vive brand for the site told residents in 83 flats to leave homes on Childers Street in Deptford.
The security certificate is expired for the development website but upon skipping the browser warning it’s possible to see homes advertised with the slogans “Why rent when you can Vive” and “Renters deserve better”.
Build to Rent model
Build to Rent is a growing housing model whereby large company landlords rent to tenants with benefits citied as a more professional, corporate approach.
However a Section 106 notice has been issued to all residents with Aitch claiming “refurbishment” is needed with eviction at short notice – including to some who recently moved in.
Under current law a Section 21 notice gives as little as two months to find another home. An extremely tall order given the need to finding somewhere suitable particularly over Christmas and New Year, submitting documents for reference checks (that alone can take a couple of weeks to be approved), finding thousands of pounds for a deposit (typically five weeks rent) and a month’s rent in advance then securing a removal company.
The task is harder if a parent given the need to find somewhere within existing school distances. The same applies of course to adults near employment.
One resident only moved in two weeks before being told of eviction. Rosanna Jones, 31, is a Studio Manager who moved into the building less than two weeks before eviction notices were issued.
“I am one of the newest residents, having only moved in on November 23rd. Before I signed my contract, Aitch Group failed to mention that this development might even be a possibility.
“Had I known that this was likely to happen, I would not have signed the contract. The dishonesty is appalling and I feel duped into signing the contract. At a time when I should be settling into my new flat and enjoying getting to know the area, I am now having to look for a new place just weeks after having already gone through the process.”
Lewisham North MP Vicky Foxcroft and several local councillors have opposed the move by Aitch stating: “We are dismayed that you have chosen to abruptly issue these notices three weeks before Christmas… We look forward to a time when evictions like these, which leave tenants with little to no recourse against eviction, are rightfully banned.”
The government are looking to extend notice periods to four months when tenants are evicted through no fault of their own.
Private renters generally have far less rights than those in other tenures. They also have no rights to vote in estate redevelopment and when such projects are undertaken are the only group to receive no assistance in moving.
Aitch Group
Aitch Group are behind a number of London developments according to their website including one in Charlton.
A map also highlights a number of other sites around Deptford and Bermondsey.
In terms of the planned refurbishment no details have been issued by Aitch and no planning applications have been submitted to Lewisham Council.
An email sent to tenants informing them of eviction ended with “We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year”
My heart goes out to all the tenants. It is shocking that they allowed a tenant to move in knowing she would have to move out again with in a couple of months. Especially as it was not let as temporary accommodation. So the tenant believed to have a long term contract.
It is going to be extra difficult to find a new home during a housing crisis that alone over the festive season.
Refurbishment, the building was only completed in April 2017. What sort of work requires residents to vacate the premises?